July 10th: How to Harness the Power of this New Moon


The moon works in definite ways on the earth. 

She is most felt and seen on full and new moon days when she moves the tides of the ocean and allows our emotions more easily to surface. 

In correlation with the astrological star signs, she has a specific influence on when to cut the leaves of plants or change their earth for better growth, when to cut our hair for more strength and vitality, when to plan operations, and stronger medical treatments or when to start a fast.

Since the Moon moves through its phases, cyclically and rhythmically, we too are drawn into this lunar drumbeat.

The Lunar Cycle

The Moon reflects the light it receives from the Sun and as it circles the Earth, different parts of its face are struck and lit up by those beams (known as the process of waxing and waning). 

It takes 29.5 days for the Moon to orbit Earth.

A Full Moon occurs when the Moon is at its farthest point away from the Sun in its orbit, and direct opposition so that its whole face is illuminated.

The period from a Full Moon to a New Moon is called its waning phase (the Moon takes the shape of a C, as the light reflected onto it decreases). The waning moon phase is linked to activities associated with withdrawing, shedding, and receding. 

It is not a time to start anything new, but to draw things already in progress to a conclusion.

The New Moon occurs roughly two weeks after a Full Moon and is when the Moon lies between the Earth and the Sun so it cannot reflect any light. 

The period from a New Moon to a Full Moon is called its waxing phase (it takes a D shape, as more light is shed upon it). 

The waxing phase is associated with manifesting, increasing, and enhancing activities.

Most astrologers recognize the most important parts of the lunar cycle are New and Full Moon.

New Moons are like a zero starting point. 

The slate is wiped clean and the soil is being prepared in darkness for new seeds to be planted. 

New Moons are the best time to start something new, get clear on the future and bring fresh energy into our life.

Activities You Should Do on a New Moon:

  • Set your intentions and journal them down. In ancient shamanic traditions, the New Moon is called upon to manifest a dream, a heart’s desire, or a wish, and release it to the moon so it can blossom in its own time.

Think about your goals for the future, make a list and a plan. Activate new schemes and enterprises.

  • Cut your hair if you'd not like it to grow fast again: this goes for unwanted body hair.

  • Take a fast and relax. New Moon is the best day in the month to release extra weight, toxins, and stagnant energy. Use this day to drink lots of water, herbal teas, or detox juices, eat light fruits or steamed unflavoured vegetables, get a massage and take a rest.

  • Schedule a surgery on this day, if need be. As the New Moon is a day of reset for the whole system, it is also the best day to help the body let go of unwanted energies or illnesses from the body, like cysts.

  • Plant leafy greens, herbs, or decorative plants. Greens with lots of leaves grow much better when planted on New Moon or the waxing moon, as the energy of the water starts to be pulled upwards and therefore into the greens.

  • Prioritize others: reconnect, rekindle, and reunite with people you haven’t see in a while.

  • If something has been bothering you, then address it. Make an appointment, see a professional, ask questions, do research, and get answers.


The new moon is like a cosmic reset and a monthly gift from the universe. 

Use this power for beginnings and to set the tone for the next cycle in your life. 

Avoid unnecessary stress and decide what energy you want to call in. 

Let the new moon empower you!