How the Full Moon Will Boost Your Intuition


The Moon, in cosmic terms, rules the emotions, the feminine, and healing energy. 

Throughout her 28 day cycle, she pushes and pulls the tides of the earth, ebbing and flowing our waters and our emotional landscape. 

During the full moon, there is great potential for us to connect deeply to our inner life.

What Full Moons Reveal

Since the full moon shines high in the sky, she is illuminating the earth below her, revealing what the night normally shrouds. 

So, as this celestial body has that effect on our planet, we are also illuminated similarly; our shadows are revealed, and our subconscious comes to the forefront. 

Full Moons and Our Spiritual Potential

Full moons can also reveal our inner potential. 

It’s like the light is shining onto a part of ourselves that we hide; a part of ourselves we know is powerful and connected to something greater, but we keep that part enveloped within ourselves out of fear. 

A fear that if we connect to it we will discover our potential and greatness. 

Innate Intuition

We all have the power to access our intuition. 

Anytime we have a gut feeling about something, that is our tapping into our intuition. 

Full moons suggest a portal of time where we can deepen our relationship to our subconscious as well as open up our inner sight and intuition. 

The full moon is an amazing time to set intentions around healing, opening, and deepening our intuition. 

So combining the Moon’s energy with a meditation ritual, we’ll have a recipe to open up our intuition and go deep.

Full Moon Intuition Ritual

1. Set Your Sacred Space

Set up your sacred space by placing anything around you that will help make your space feel sacred and magical. 

Bring in anything that represents the full moon such as water, seashells, crystal spheres, Moonstone, etc.

2. Light The Mugwort and Set Your Intention

Mugwort is used to deepen our intuition and open up the mind for prophetic dreams. 

Light it and use it to smudge the space. 

As you burn mugwort, ask that your mind be open to receive messages from your Higher Self and Spirit as you deepen your intuition. 

Ask that you may be open to hearing your inner voice, and trust that your instincts are guiding you perfectly.

3. Ground Yourself and Connect To The Moon

If you’re working with crystals, keep them in your hand. 

Take a seat in your space and begin to settle your energy. 

Take some deep and slow breaths, and feel your energy descend into the Earth. 

Feel your crown begin to open and imagine the energy from your crown ascending and connecting to the moon. 

4. Meditate

Sit and breathe quietly since you drop a little deeper into meditation. 

Imagine the moonlight shining all around you and within you. 

Be open to receiving any messages that begin to come to you. 

Keep staying as long as it feels right.

Once you bring yourself out of meditation, feel free to jot down any thoughts or feeling you may have discovered. 

Light some more mugwort and give thanks and gratitude.


Even if the moon is hidden behind clouds, go for a walk to connect with her energy, ground yourself and feel the breath of Nature on your skin. 

Leave your crystals out in the moonlight overnight to charge them with the full moon energy. 

Carry them with you all the next day to connect with her magic, and keep tapping into your intuition’s potential.

Do this ritual anytime you want to reset and connect inward. 

Remember, the full moon is a bonus, but not necessary to find that inner guidance.