5 Proven Ways to Avoid Divorce

Sometimes, divorce is inevitable. But if you’re still in love and a loyal relationship, then the divorce card is the last one you want to play. 

When things start to go bad, they can steamroll unless you and your partner consciously make changes to turn things around.

So, how do you avoid divorce and save a failing marriage?

Here are 5 proven ways to do just that:

1. Take Responsibility

Marriage is a partnership that both you and your spouse entered into, and that means you agreed to be responsible for your actions as part of that union. 

At times, when the going gets tough, one spouse or the other will find it easier to point the finger of blame at someone else, instead of pointing the finger of blame at the person in the mirror.

If you are being honest with yourself then you must accept what your partner has been in making things worse. 

You shouldn’t beat yourself up, you just need to not lie to yourself before you can start to make things better.

2. Be Quiet and Listen

In some cases, the more we talk, the more it’s like adding gasoline to open fire. 

One way to solve problems is to let the other spouse do the talking and verbally work things out while you remain silent and attentive.

Keep in mind that the fewer words you use, the more weight that each one will carry. You’ll get a chance at some point to express your point of view. If you don’t, then your marriage may already be over, and you may not have figured it out yet.

3. Honor and Respect Your Partner

People naturally change over time. 

Understanding, appreciating, and adapting to those changes is important for any relationship. 

Make a list of your partner's best qualities to remind yourself of the wonderful person you married. This activity will help you remember why you fell in love with them in the first place.

Let your partner know every day that you appreciate all that they do.

4. Give Each Other Space

One of the hardest things to balance in a marriage is the right amount of time to spend together. 

Too much can feel like smothering while too little can be commented as inattentive.

When your spouse needs space or a night out with friends, offer to watch the kids or run the errands to ensure they can get that time. 

On the other hand, you also want to make time to spend with your partner. 

The key is that you both make a concerted effort to spend quality time together while also allowing each other the space to have an outside community.

5. Forgive Quickly

Marriages often begin to fall apart when one person is holding a grudge. 

The study has shown that feeling contempt toward your partner almost always festers and can lead to divorce if it's never resolved.

Try to forgive your spouse as quickly as possible. 

Remember that forgiveness is just as much a gift you give yourself. Holding a grudge takes up mental and emotional space and almost always impacts your health and stress levels.

Listen to what they have to say and try to understand why they are upset. 

Let them know you will work on how to do things differently in the future.


Navigating issues in a marriage can be challenging. 

To persevere in the relationship and prevent divorce, both partners should commit to doing the work and putting in time and effort. 

While the goal is to save the relationship, you will have to decide if staying together is the right choice for both of you.

If you and your partner need more help, consider working with a couples counselor. 

This individual can help you get a new perspective and can point you toward additional services if needed.