Ways to Win Over a Cancer Man

If you’ve set a goal on winning a Cancer man's heart, act very carefully. You’d be wrong if you think that mild and calm Crab is an easy conquest who won’t give you any hassle. Let Cancer man fall deeply in love with you, and you could land yourself with a lot more than you ever imagined. Cancer man in love is very high maintenance but at the same time is very fragile.


• To attract a Cancer man's love, you'll need to find ways to establish a powerful emotional contact with him. You can start by mentioning a book that recently had a strong impact on you, and why. Then try to continue the conversation towards the information you received from the book and have found emotionally challenging. This will give him the chance to empathize with you and start to connect with you at a feelings level.


• Don't worry about revealing too much information, too soon. Although he may be shy at first to talk about himself, he wants to know the real you right from your words, and by shooting straight from the heart you'll make it a lot easier for him to eventually open up to you in return.


• You'll attract a Cancer man more easily if you make him believe that, just like him, you have a traditional approach to love. This man is looking for a true soul mate with whom he can live happily ever after, not just a one-night stand. Because he needs a partner who will be loyal and faithful, he will never fall in love with you if he suspects you're the kind of person who plays games.


• Cancer man gets very much attracted to modesty. Renowned for his sense of romance, he loves romantic dinners in intimate surroundings, so when the moment is right, don't be afraid to ask him over to your place rather than wait for an invitation from him.


• An emotionally healthy Cancer man is always doing things for other people. This is a part of his nature, and if he is not, his more negative traits will show up.

Yet, if other people do not value his kind and generous nature, he can become depressed.


• If you love a Cancer man, it is tempting to counsel him to focus more on himself and his needs. Yet, that is generally bad advice for this sign. A better approach would be for you to be sure to do nice things for him.


• Even though a Cancer man does need emotional support, practical support is really better for him. It is very easy for him to fall into a bout of self-pity, which is particularly dangerous for this sign.

Doing practical things like cooking for him, cleaning his house, cheering him on with his goals are much safer ways for you to show how much you care.