Daring Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards

Sometimes you don't know what questions you need to ask, so you allow tarot to point you towards the right direction. Sometimes, you know exactly where you want to end up and you may also know what path you need to take, but it doesn't really matter how long it takes you to get there, It doesn't really matter which path you choose because you know deep in your heart that you are going to arrive at your destination.

Allow tarot to show you the right way to your destination


Every question can be broken down into follow-up questions that serve to explore the different elements of the original question. For example, how can I discover my soul’s purpose? Can be asked in so many different ways. Make several variant of the same question you are interested at


• Open up your heart to the one who’s reading Tarot for you, because when you ask a short question, for example What’s my soulmate like you don’t give the opportunity to see what’s inside you. You could tell a bit more to help understand what’s really on your mind and how to help you. If you’re single and have trouble finding the right partner and that’s the reason you want to know what your future soulmate is like, don't be afraid to talk about it. In this case the reading will be much more helpful.


• Questions that can be answered “yes” or “no” are closed-ended questions. but the trouble is that they don’t allow for any deep reflection or exploration of a situation – they simply state what is or isn’t going to happen.


• Avoid starting the question with Will, When and Should, and instead ask What…, How… and Why…




Don’t hesitate to ask tarot all the daring questions you have kept in your mind, the ones mentioned below may be a good choice


What do I need to know about my partner?

What’s the best path I can take at this time?

How can I improve my relationship with my boss at work?

What can I do to make it happen the way I want?

What am I not seeing at this time?

In what way am I holding myself back?

What can I expect if I choose to change my life completely?