A Beginners Guide: Gemstone Kit and Their Uses 

Stones are one of the most powerful and energetically transformative natural objects we have on this planet. Simply holding a stone in your hand or placing it close to a part of your body changes your energetic field completely. If you have no previous knowledge on the range of healing stones available to you, it is suggested to start with the following few. Each emit an energetic wavelength that serves a specific function. It is important to note that each person experiences a slightly different relationship with any particular stone and this is for you to discover with experience. Having said that, starting with these would open up the spectrum of possibility. 

1. Amethyst

One of the most commonly found gemstones is Amethyst. It varies from shades of red to deep violet but are mostly found in a vivid shade of purple. Amethyst’s vibrational quality is rather smooth, meaning, once held in the palm of your hand, you might feel a sense of clearing in your mind and your emotions. It does not impose its energy upon you in a way that feels overwhelming. On the contrary, it allows you to experience a sense of enjoyable calmness. Ancient Greeks wore amethyst as a means to prevent them from overindulging. It is still used as a means to promote sobriety. It is recommended to place it on the forehead, the heart or the navel. Locations that are the centers of tension when it comes to anger. Amethyst is an essential stone to have as it cleanses the surrounding stones it is placed with. Pair it with any stone that emits too strong of a frequency for your personal liking. 


This gemstone has had many functions throughout history. Not only is it considered precious in the sense that it purifies and blesses anything it touches, but it also is a great stone to build tools with such as knives. Its  green color is reminiscent of nature. Wearing it or just placing it before you on your desk, while working, allows your concentration to tune into a harmonious flow. This stone means more to some than others and has a kind of energy that adapts itself to whomever is in possession of it. It’s an excellent stone to have in a jewelry piece. That can’t be said for all stones,  as some have too much of an energetic pull that could conflict with your personal will power. Jade has a grounding energy. If you feel like you are dealing with inner conflict or if you find yourself in a position of caring for someone that challenges your emotions, Jade energy gathers your strength so that your actions be motivated by balance.  

3. Cellinite 

This is one of the simplest yet most efficient stones for physical pain. They say it is for clearing which it does procure. However it is not as celebrated for actually being able to alleviate any physical pain if it is placed right on the place with the ailment. It’s like vapor rub to a sore muscle. Celinite also aligns you with what your body needs. So if you have it on you and are lacking sleep, you will soon start to gracefully tilt your head back in peaceful repose. Cellinite’s shimmer is an indicator of how vibrant it is. It is recommendable to purchase the wand version over the polished round stone as it’s natural composition is very vertical. Cellinite melts in water and really thrives on letting it charge for a few hours in the light of the sun. It is also a stone that is highly compatible with all other stones as it is neutral. It especially thrives amidst darker stones, like Onyx. 

4. Labradorite

Now we are moving to a more psychic realm. This stone, with it’s unique color shifting qualities looks like it could have come with over with baby superman from Krypton. To simply look at this stone is mesmerizing. This is a stone that has a somewhat imposing frequency. One will feel a pulsing effect when holding the Lab in the palm of one’s hand and this connects you immediately to your heart, as to bring awareness to the rich flow of blood and energy pulsating through your body. Even though Labradorite is a powerful enough earthly source that it doesn’t need as much energetic maintenance to yield an effect, it is advantageous to charge it by the natural lights of the Sun, Moon & Stars,  and meditate with it (this goes for all stones), because a strong labradorite has almost an unearthly vibrance. It’s the stone known for change and inspiration. It’s there for you to raise your consciousness. If you find you have fears to overcome, keep labradorite on you during the day and stow it safely away at night. 

5. Moldavite

Even though this is not one of the most common stones to be chosen in a beginners repertoire, it is nonetheless a stone I feel the need to mention because once you are familiar with what Moldavite really is, then you are ready to take on any other stone with much more ease. It is known as the “holy grail stone”. All fragments of it are a product of a meteorite that crashed in the Czech republic several million of years ago. When held to the sun, the dark stone emits a deep green which adds to it’s singular mystique. Along with Labradorite and a great number of other stones, Moldavite is Inviting Change. But it is different in that it brings on self challenge. Your desires and wishes are called upon without reserve when one is influenced by this stone. There are many ways of procuring Moldavite. However it is important to note that quite often is it one given to you or acquired by you at a particular moment in the course of your life when you need to overcome an important life challenge. Do not overlook this detail as you might miss the signs when the time comes and alas, just delay your task. As it were, the stone usually finds it’s way to someone else or somewhere else, when you are done with your spiritual task. Remember not to force anything. Moldavite has a intense frequency so try not to sleep with it. Keep it on you but not necessarily on your body as an accessory at all times. Be aware of it when you have it. Charge it by the light of the moon. (note: some people are born with a affinity to Moldavite and do not necessarily experience all the motions it is set for on earth. Follow your intuition and listen to yourself).

6. Amazonite 

Blue like the clearest of ocean seas, a feminine stone named for the deep and exotic Blues found in the Amazon, however the strongest source of this stone is found in India. This a cheerful stone and has a very straight forward and friendly vibration to it. The healing properties attributed to this beautiful piece of earth are unique in that it harmonizes with your vibration by really smooth, delicate means. What first comes to mind is a healing that leaves you feeling joyful. It is a good stone to Give as well as a Blessing to receive. When you encounter someone needing to be healed in any way, amazonite gains significant zeal from the transference from one sentient being to another…& 0n & 0n Beyond Forever.

7. Carnelian

Orange and red like the setting and rising suns, carnelian activates the Base and the Sacral Chakra. Carnelian works its energy on you with unique subtlety. Having strong motivational, inspirational qualities, this stone for perseverance and overcoming abuse, including self-abuse, kicks In the the back gear from below, meaning it activates the pushing force that leads you from the back as opposed to activating the pull, summoning you forth from your front. This concept is easier to understand if you picture your sacral and root chakras being activated all at once. Those chakras are both connected to your sense of security, well-roundedness as well as your center for passion and pleasure. The whole base of your body comes to life. Carnelian can’t be truly felt from the first day but it absolutely could on the second day with the stone. This is because the way it works is harder to picture in our consciousness. Once you let go of trying to understand it, then you reap the benefits. It is encouraged to fall asleep having forgotten it in your pocket. It is recommended for women especially, as it seems to stimulate female energy in a way that supports healthy reproductive cycle.

8. Obsidian 

OR the Apache Tear, named after a tragic Battle  that occurred in the 1870’s Frontier between a group of Apache warriors and American Cavalry. Outnumbered, the Apache warriors decided to ride their horses off a cliff instead of surrendering to the Cavalry to be tortured then murdered. It is said that upon receiving this news, the wives of the soldiers cried so long and deep that their tears turned to volcanic stone over the grounds their husbands landed upon. This stone is actually volcanic glass. It’s dark in color and in deed has the feel of mourning. It is used to find solace in a moment of loss. Healing from grief, letting go of anything that must be left behind. This stoner is soothing to the soul as it calms ones emotions. It invites acceptance. It could also be useful to place this stone on ones belly and head when one feels overwhelmed with an excess of energy.