Effective Methods of Losing Visceral Fat

Life always begins with one step outside of your comfort zone. You will definitely face challenges and go through hard times if you really wish to lose extra pounds on your waist. The strategies and methods of losing visceral fat are well experimented and always show satisfying results. There is no magic to achievement. It's really about hard work, choices, and persistence.

Try intermittent fasting

There are countless weight loss methods, and Intermittent fasting is one of them. Cycling between periods of eating and fasting, intermittent fasting helps people get rid of thick layers of fat. The period of fasting is up to you. For instance, you can fast for 16 hours on a regular basis or do it once a week for 24 hours.

Drink green tea

While thin people are too far from metabolism-related problems, fat ones have to boost metabolism. To do so we recommend you drink green tea as it contains caffeine and EGCG, two perfect boosters of metabolism. If all is good with the latter, you can start losing your tummy fat. Drink coffee twice a day and wait for the results.

Include apple cider vinegar in your diet

Research shows that acetic acid reduces the tummy fat storage. You can find acetic acid in apple cider vinegar. In addition to health benefits, apple cider vinegar can be used each day. You may have safe and modest fat loss taking 15 ml of apple cider vinegar /1 tablespoon/ per day.

Stop drinking fruit juice

Going easy on sweetened beverages is not enough. You may think fruit juice has nothing to do with obesity but it is as high in sugar as other soft drinks. Especially if you drink large amounts of juice you endanger your health causing your tummy to gain extra weight. Prefer water and sparkling water over fruit juice and you will lose some extra pounds on your waist. What is more, whenever you feel that giving up a bad habit is problematic, visit www.avidtalks.com and find your source of inspiration with our specialists.

Include a good protein source in your meals

Every time you have your meal, think about the portion of proteins it contains. To retain muscle mass while losing weight you need to have an appropriate amount of proteins. Include eggs, dairy, fish, beans, and meat. These foods not only improve the metabolic rate but also decrease the appetite releasing the hormone of fullness. So to get rid of visceral fat you need to include this super-effective and important nutrient in your diet. 

Exclude foods containing trans fats

Some fats are created through pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fats. These fats are known as trans fats and are found in spreads, margarines, soybean oil, etc. The study shows how dangerous the usage of trans fat-containing foods in the diet is. Particularly, heart disease, inflammation, insulin resistance are among the serious health problems caused by trans fats. Moreover, they have a negative impact on your belly resulting in abdominal fat gain. So, to lose visceral fat you need to be attentive in the supermarket and just pass by foods that contain trans fats. 

We presented several tips on how to lose belly fat, and for perfect results you need to mix all the above mentioned tips. However, as you see most of the ways of losing visceral fat go hand in hand with healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. Hence the secret of losing your tummy fat is to switch to a healthy lifestyle. This article breaks down what effective methods of losing fat you can try.