Losing Baby Bump after Pregnancy and Tightening Belly

Most Moms feel disappointed after pregnancy looking in the mirror. The reality is that you still have a rounded tummy and look like a six-months-pregnant wife. Keep in mind you don’t need to go blue as after some time your body will experience hormonal changes resulting in the decrease of your bump size. During post-pregnancy weeks your womb contracts and your belly tightens. To boost the process and have effective results you can follow the tips mentioned below.


Be sure that breastfeeding is the number one thing that will help you lose your baby bump after pregnancy. Preferring breastfeeding over formula-feeding helps your body burn off calories to make milk. You lose weight as long as you breastfeed though the first months are the effective ones. So, a good start is half the job done. 


Find time to have breakfast. Breaking the overnight fasting period, the most important meal of the day quickly fixes the essential nutrients for your body. It boosts your energy, powers your brain and prevents weight gain. The last point is what you need to shape and tighten your tummy.

Healthy diet

Breakfast aside, you should eat healthily. Healthy eating is not a short term for diet, it’s a long term lifestyle change. Following some rules, you may get less fat and be healthy:

  • Cut on sugar containing foods such as cookies, cakes, takeaways, pizza, fast food. Go easy on soft drinks and energetic beverages.

  • Fibre-rich foods should be a must in your diet. Include seeds, grains, beans, lentils, etc. in it.

  • Pay attention to getting enough vitamins through vegetables and fruits. A diet high in fruits and vegetables is what you and your baby  need after pregnancy.

Fitness and exercises

Time flies, your baby grows up, but your tummy doesn’t come to its pre-pregnancy sizes. As soon as you feel you are ready start toning up your lower bump muscles. Doing pelvic floor exercises you’ll flatten your tummy providing the chance of losing the layer of fat. In a month and a half you’ll notice some positive changes and look forward to enjoying huge changes in 3-6 months.

Sometimes women face difficult times as their baby bump doesn’t get smaller very soon. Many reasons may lead to depression, and having thick fat layers on your bump is among the most common reasons. If you see that you experience postpartum “baby blues” after childbirth don’t hesitate to turn to Avid advisers and get rid of post-delivery anxiety. Our advisers are available at www.avidtalks.com