Do You Really Believe in Reincarnation??

We have all at some time or another wondered about the true meaning of our lives. Some have come to one or many resolutions with blessed certitude, through some mysterious gift given from the forces above. Others, still ponder day in and day out with no answers what so ever. Many still searching for their mission on earth, embracing the lapses of momentary darkness while practicing patience and keeping the faith until this message is revealed to them somehow at the right time. We all have looked at our lives as miraculous phenomenon intrinsically liked to our inevitable death. Since the mere thought of our own mortality has the power of engendering deep feelings of fear, confusion, curiosity, piousness and amazement, one can’t help but wonder about what it is that happens to us, our souls and spirits after our body draws its last breath. Some might not be interested and are content with experiencing the present moment without the angst of the future. Some seem to simply believe that all of this is followed by nothingness, a deep eternal sleep, which in its own right, is a beautiful thing. We all need a good rest from time to time. Having said that, one can’t deny that, at one time or the other, after glimpsing a bird that magically appeared on the window sill or spotting a wild bear in the woods at dawn, one, almost instinctively associates this precious encounter as q spiritual continuum pertaining to a larger phenomenon related to life, not in the individualistic sense of the word but as a source containing all of our communal existence as one. In this light, it is hard to consider one’s own life as a temporary mishap that abandons us when we cross the threshold of death. When that bird appears on my window sill for its impromptu visit, I think: perhaps that’s someone I knew that has passed and gone, maybe it is a sign and my none-verbal rapport with this creature is a personal invitation sent from the spiritual realm. Of course, this train of thought does not need to have such esoteric undertones but perhaps the language of your thoughts however phrased translate to a similar idea. Is this bird a reincarnation? Who was it before? What will it become? Moreover, if I am to entertain the notion that reincarnation exists then who am I, was I in my previous lives? We have all heard someone say: “Maybe I was Cleopatra, or the president in a previous life.” by an individual who is relating to elements of their current life as patterns with deeper spiritual significance. As if he or she knows that the latent memory of past life experiences are there to be discovered by clues all around them. Who is to say that he or she is wrong? And then there is the element of Karma which appear to be a big piece of the puzzle. The K word seems to be directly related to past lives as if one is inescapably experiencing its results in our present lifetime. One of the most relatable occurrences that brings reincarnation to the forefront is that special relationship you have with that one or many human beings. Why is it that sometimes, one feels like we know this person before one’s eyes, sometimes with inexplicable depth, even though you are sure that you have never met before in your life? Love connections, twin flames, a person that makes you feel at home and understood without even trying. If you have questions about reincarnation and you are driven by your curiosity, then perhaps you should observe that as an invitation to learn more about it. Who knows how much could be discovered about your eternal self.

Reincarnation is the belief that the non-physical essence of a living being begins a completely new and different life in another physical form after biological death. The word “Reincarnation” derives from Latin, meaning; “entering the flesh again”. Many diverse civilizations through history have reincarnation in their systems of belief. The Greeks for instance used an equivalent term attributed to the great ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras: “metempsychosis”, the root of the word deriving from (Meta) change and (empsykhoun) to put a soul into. The continuation of life represents the eternal perseverance of what is larger than us, as flesh and bone, Consciousness as the undying force that perseveres through an interconnected cycle.

Reincarnation is also a central belief in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism, Orthodox Judaism, in some North American natives and some indigenous Australians.

One might ask about the difference between reincarnation and the afterlife (the spirit world)? In both cases, it seems that the common point is that the soul remains alive whether it travels to an alternate realm unattainable by earthly means or it enters a new form of existence readily approachable by any given earthly being. There is no one answer I could claim as an absolute truth in hopes of appeasing your curiosity. Although, if I dare make an ambitious assumption, I would say that, since you’ve made it so far in the article, you, dearest reader might somewhere have the kind of spiritual zeal that could at least recognize when a sign from a spiritual messenger is offered to you. If you find that words cannot simply translate the message given to you then it just might be that this offering is too nuanced, layered, mysteriously profound and important to be rendered aloud as disposable information. If you were to try to communicate with your eternal self through what means you have in your present lifetime, language might not be the right key. What if you were a tree, a rabbit, a molecule or a whale in a previous reincarnation? You should perhaps consider the fact that of the above living forms are known for speaking English or any given human language for that matter.

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