Natural Supplements that Will Make You Love Your Body, Mind and Soul

This might be a good time to boost one’s body/mental health and invest in giving your body some extra natural love. Once you have stocked your fridge and pantry with healthy goodies to keep you alive and well, how can you go the extra mile by giving your body the additional bonus it deserves. Here are a few natural supplements, easily found at your local health food and vitamin stores that could provide you with that well-needed boost of energy, that picker uppers for moments when you lack motivation, a dose of Zen. Simple aids that could improve your mood and balance out your system in ways that could make you feel like you are getting more out of life. Note that the supplements we shall discuss are no substitute for any medical care and it is highly advised to discuss any kind of intake. We could literally go on and on when it comes to natural supplements but if you are looking for an out of the ordinary basic kit of nutrients that are effective in your our modern daily life then the following items are for you:

Supplement 1: Vitamin D3

The sun vitamin! This is in short, a tiny morsel of the same goodness provided by the sun that one could ingests orally. In other words, Vitamin D3 is the nutrient that the body makes through the cholesterol in one’s skin when exposed to the ultraviolet B rays of the sun. Our daily routines keep a lot of us confound to indoor spaces and especially in these time in which staying home is the only thing to do, our bodies are lacking this essential nutrient. It is highly recommended to invest in a bottle of D3 pills to keep our systems familiar and adaptable to the great outdoors. Taking one dose daily, preferably in the morning will give you a boost of energy. The presence of vitamin D3 “informs” one’s body, just as the sun does, that its daylight, hence naturally induces activity. Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body which are essential nutrients in keeping your bones, teeth and muscles healthy.

 Supplement 2: Probiotics

Probiotics might be one of the most essential supplement to take. If you only have the ability to make a single purchase, Probiotics are a good way to go. Our digestive system is made of trillions of bacteria, some are good and others bad. Taking Probiotics on a daily basis supplements the good bacteria. The digestive system is one of the most delicate systems in the human body. In our daily lives, and due to external elements which we do not always have full control over while going through a regular day, the “gut flora” , which is the term used for the microorganism existing within each human body, could get depleted. So give your stomach the right substance to fight against unwanted bacteria’s. It is known that having a healthy digestive system significantly increases one’s good mood. The stomach is the area where one finds the solar plexus, an intricate and complex concentration of nerve that communicates with the entire body, a place in the body where one often stores emotions of all kinds, namely unresolved emotions, it is the most vulnerable spot in the body. With the help of probiotics not only are you helping your body be healthier in all the ways imaginable but you are also facilitating emotional openness and allowing yourself to process all of your deepest emotions. Even though probiotics work perfectly fine if taken alone, it is recommended to take it with any prebiotic formula. This will create much better absorption and so allow one’s body to reap fully the supplements benefits.

Supplement 3: Fish Oil

Fish oil is one of the most common supplements taken. It contains omega 3 fatty acids that are incredibly important for the body and have many additional benefits. If one is a full vegetarian or does not like to eat fish, the taking fish oil is the way for you. Even if you do consume fish regularly, Fish oil is good to have around because it could easily remedy common imbalances that one experiences on a daily basis. Fish oil could help with certain levels of depression. If you are feeling a little down and feel like you need something to balance your emotions out so that you could feel slightly more harmonious with your body, Fish oil is a good choice at that moment. It also promotes deeper sleep while helping one awake the next morning feeling more refreshed.  For your sanity and for the sake of knowing that you can take on the day with an adequate level of confidence, keep fish oil in your fridge for daily use. More significant effects relating to one’s mood start to appear anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months. 

Supplement 4: Kava

An unusual choice yet an effective one in our quest to tackle little daily blunders is Kava. Native to the western Pacific Islands, the name “Kava” comes from the Polynesian work “awa” which means bitter and indeed it is. It is as popular in the south pacific as Alcohol is in western cultures. Interestingly enough, the effects of Kava are comparable to the buzz of Alcohol with some notable distinctions. I would recommend trying Kava in the form of a tincture and choosing a brand which mixes the supplement with a small dosage of alcohol. In that form, Kava seems to be the most potent and the fasted reacting way to receiving its benefits. Kava is highly effective for anxiety. 12 to 20 droplets dropped under the tongue in a moment of anxiety will significantly relieve the tension. This is why Kava is also highly effective as a sleep aid. One should be extra careful of the amount of Kava one intakes since its potency has been said to have some effects on one’s liver. A thimbleful of Kava however, at the right moment of the day, could be just the right thing for all of the busy bodies out there.

 Supplement 5: Rhodiola Rosea

Also known as the Arctic Root or Golden Root, I bring up Rhodiola right after Kava because it is said that having a flask of each one in one’s pocket makes one’s body, mind and spirit unstoppable. It is also an uncommon supplement to prescribe but perhaps the world should be more aware of it as it could really help to substitute for other chemical we put in our bodies to supplement for one of the most common ailments: fatigue. Also recommended as an alcohol based tincture, a few droplets of Rhodiola under the tongue seems to send a pleasant flash of warm energy through the bloodstream. Containing more than 140 active ingredients, it is a herb that grows in the mountainous regions of Europe and Asia and it is considered what the natural supplement connoisseurs call an “adaptogen” which means that it is a supplement that helps your body adapt to stress when consumed. Many who are familiar with this herb swear by its ability to noticeably raise one’s energy levels. Like Kava, one should also be aware of the amount of Rhodiola one consumed during the day. Since the effects are so potent, one could easily be overly generous with the portions.

 Supplement 6: 5HTP

5HTP is an amino acid organically created by one’s body. It produces a “happy” chemical, serotonin which is a chemical messenger that sends signals between ones nerve cells. Serotonin deficiencies are usually the reason for depression, lack of sleep amd weight gain. In this day and age, we often put our bodies through trials of endurance whether it be through work or through fun like taxing weekends that entail some kind toxic indulgence. 5HTP is handy after one of those weekends or after a long week at work. It is regenerative for healthy brain function and the nervous system. Since 5HTP increases one’s Serotonin levels, which could be depleted from any number of common reasons, it also reactivate the mind so that you may not feel like a complete vegetable in the days after the debauchery. Not only does it help with waking oneself up but it also is a sleep aid as it allows the increase of melatonin in your body. All around an ideal supplement for the ones who like to push themselves in life for the sake of the adventure.

Supplement 7: Charcoal

Speaking of toxicity, here is a supplement that I would consider one of the most effective under the right circumstances. Charcoal is commonly taken to treat certain kinds of poisoning or drug overdoses. When ingested, the charcoal absorbs the toxins while it is going through the digestive system. The unwanted substances are then flushed away in one’s waist. Charcoal is known for preventing hangovers. It is recommended to take it before drinking but since the supplement will be absorbing the toxins as you are having your cocktail, one might not feel a buzz and hence one might drink more as a result. This is why taking charcoal after the fact could be more effective. If you have eaten rice and beans for lunch and have a hot date in the evening, charcoal will save the day as it is highly effective in regulates intestinal gas and bloating. Do not make the mistake of taking charcoal at the same time as any other supplement as it will absorb the other pills nutrients and would have waited the effects of an otherwise perfectly good supplement.

Now that a few supplements that could significantly or just lightly improve your daily experiences in festive or trying times, you can start by trying all or one at a time and see how each affects you personally. Trying one at a time might be useful at first so that you may fully note what each one does for you. In our next edition, we shall tackle a whole new set of natural supplements, complimentary to this one, yet used for a completely new purposes.