8 Tips to Better Manage Your Work and Family Life

Career or family? What is the right answer to this dilemma? Well, maybe you don’t need to choose between them, and it is wiser to opt for both due to combining and balancing them. It takes effort to manage the time and balance so that you can succeed in your job and take good care of the family.  Read the tips we share in this article and learn how to better manage the combination of career and family life.

1.          Involve children in your working experience

Your kids know your attitude towards both career and family. They know that for you there is no job more important than parenting. Though you believe that you have a lifetime to work, while children are young and helpless once, you should tell them that work is important to you too. Your children should know what you do at work, how you earn your living, so talk about your work environment and discuss some details concerning your position or certain project. They will be more responsive to your work demands if they are involved in your career.

2.           Pay attention to your couple life

Admit that very often you feel yourself like a typhoon going right and left, up and down without a break and round the clock. You try to do everything and be on time for you, your kids, spouse, parents and friends. This gets more difficult when you work and your job takes the most time of your day. Just as you are ready to spend time with kids, it’s important to set aside time for you and your partner. Create closeness with your wife/husband and have less depression, prioritize the time for the two of you, build a healthy relationship and your entire family will benefit from it. Ask for someone to look after kids or book a nanny for the weekend and have fun. Let the career wait for some days, and in fact you will be back as a vigorous employee.

3.          Take care of yourself
Now when you have already taken time for your spouse and kids, you may find it next to impossible to make room for yourself. This is a problem that lots of people face and instead of handling it they take a U-turn. Dear businessmen and business ladies, housewives and housemen, you ought to remember that your individuality needs growth, development and relaxation. It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary. You will grow, you will figure out what inspires you. Curating your own dreams and beliefs, you will be successful with the most important relationship, the one you have with yourself.

4.          Be positive and make room for fun

Work is only a part of your day, “working you” is only a part of your day. You have your personal time, a nook in the world where you pay attention to even simple things and have fun. Keep this in mind and take time to do what makes your soul happy. Every moment is a miracle that should never be ignored but enjoyed. Look for chances to enjoy the precious moments so you don’t lose them since they will not be back any more. Find kindness, and humor in anything, try to see the bright side, smile at people, laugh to your heart’s content and just be happy.

5.          Don’t skip an important family occurrence
All CEOs, managers, clients, and customers have their personal life. In their family, they are a caring Mom or responsible Dad, and they know quite well what it means to be a good parent for kids or a kind-hearted spouse. We are pretty sure that they will meet your needs to be off for some hours or for several days, especially the dates that are important for your kids. They have special moments and big occasions in their life such as a soccer game, piano contest, swimming competition, etc. On these days, you are supposed to be next to them, back them up and share their significant and victorious moments. Such family situations can be discussed with your boss beforehand, explaining how important such events are for you. You can offer solutions that will help you properly deal with the fact that you are absent for half a working day or couple of days, and instead you can offer extra compensation working from home.

6.          Inspire yourself with family rituals

Get convinced that you do have family time. Schedule rituals and bring them into your life. Spending the evening, 

·        watching an Oscar movie or Disney cartoon, 

·        playing board games, brain training games, computer games, 

·        organizing a morning picnic, 

·        going for a walk in the park, 

·        bicycling, 

·        fishing, 

·        shopping, 

·        eating out, 

·        eating together after working day, 

·        having warm conversations and debates with a cup of tea or black coffee, etc.

Keep these rituals under your eye and try to never skip them or sacrifice them because of other obligations. Cherish the sacred moments spent with those who really matter.

7.          Plan and get prepared in advance
Being ready in advance is a great feeling. Let’s see why it is so important. Work weeks are busy and restless. You can ease the stress of the coming week if you get prepared for Monday in advance. On weekends, consider your plans and everything you intend to manage during the week.  Some meals can be half-cooked beforehand, and here freezer and refer will help you a lot. Also, you can make a list of the meals you are going to cook or the necessary ingredients that need to be purchased. Here, a household member can help you with the grocery shopping. 

Here are some good tips on learning how to shop easily.

Sometimes you return home so tired and exhausted that there is no wish to make a delicious supper and spend a warm evening together. So, use the advantage of initial preparations and be less stressful during the week.

Read this, and get more informed.

8.          Be as flexible at work as you can

Have you thought about incorporating flexibility in your working schedule? Or maybe the decision to switch to a part time job is a better option that will help you combine work and family? You may not believe but negotiating flex hours or preferring part time over a full time job will set you free, release stress and as a result you will find more time for household and family. Your decision will change many things in your life, you will not be as purposeful and ambitious in your career any more, also it will impact on your financial freedom. But to obtain something, something must be lost. Here you win more quality family time, and it’s all about priorities.


Work is one of the essential features in money making, building social bonds, accessing a slew of services, activities, etc. It is the means by which people ensure physical  and mental well-being and experience the feeling of contributing to the public good of society. Family, the other pole of work, is the corner where parenting, caregiving, support and understanding arise. It is the comfort for household members who are tied with blood, marriage, interests, views and so on. The above-mentioned tips will teach you how to have a sense of accomplishment and an increased level of self-esteem while being irreplaceable for the family which becomes possible only when you are good at balancing the first and the second, work and family…

Let us know in case you find it hard to deal with balancing two important elements in your life. Dr. Fia Johansson, our high-caliber specialist is ready to assist you. Visit her page and easily change the way you live.