6 Best Tips for Taking Care of Your Mental Wellbeing while Working from Home

There are periods in our life that we have nothing to do but work from home that is even more difficult than people usually think. The main difficulty is that we should make a blend of home activities and work-based work. Being far from the office space, without having face-to-face contact with colleagues, it seems to be insuperable to work from home and be attentive to our mental well-being at the same time. As there is no specific structure or scheme to the remote work to follow and because of this we don’t feel the boundaries, frustration and downheartedness visit us and let us down. 

Cheer up as Avid is here for you with some valuable tips on how to look after your mental wellbeing when you work remotely.

Tip 1

Take control of your time, and you will eventually improve your well-being. The idea that you don’t find enough time for this or that inflicts suffering and dismay, and to stay away from such negative feelings you should plan your week, make your TO DO list and include all necessary activities, such as calls, meetings, reports, etc. on it. 


Tip 2

After multitasking and exercising many skills, you need to look after yourself and have time for lunch. This is your time, your important time, and never lose the chance of having it as it is the period to recharge and get energized again. Of course, you have something favorite that motivates you and makes you forget about the working day for at least 15 minutes. 


Tip 3

Do you have a home office or home study? Both work well serving as the best space work for carrying out your work effectively. If you don’t have them at your place, you can try to make a new working space, a designated space that will keep you far from the family members and noise. This working environment will be of great use since due to it you will be more concentrated and disciplined. 


Tip 4

If you are a freelancer or you have to work from home, you should be more attentive to your wellbeing. Your inconsiderate behavior to your overall health and mental wellbeing will have a very sad ending. One possible solution to working from home but staying strong, active and healthy is to go for a walk at the beginning of the working day. You will truly benefit from the fresh and oxygen-enriched air keeping you positive and tuned with the worming day. Also, a walk in the nearest park in the streets of your neighborhood will be a good start for the family/personal time after working for 5-8 hours, so going for a walk after a productive day will be advantageous.

Find more useful tips to maintain your well-being by clicking here.


Tip 5

If your job is remote or for some period you need to stay at home and work from home, you should go on communicating with colleagues and friends. You still should have the sense of belonging and usefulness, that is to say you should always be a part of a group and a sociable teammate independent of the circumstances. Because of new working duties or requirements, you may get confused and not see the forest in between the trees. Use a little help by your manager or colleague to your advantage and enjoy your successful results.


Tip 6

A soulmate or friendly face will make you enthusiastic and happy, so don’t lose time and never overestimate the help of the support circle you have. Get their help, go for a cup of tea or hot chocolate with them, enjoy the meeting and organize something interesting with them. Do everything to have an intellectual or creative outlet.The vibes and emotions you get from the time spent with like-minded people will fill you with energy and add robustness into your work. 



People are multifaceted creatures, and as employees they can exceed their skills and abilities, getting adapted to a new working environment, new staff, new requirements, etc. When changes occur it is important to keep your finger on the pulse of mental wellbeing, and to ensure yourself that the latter is on a good level.  Go on nourishing yourself, find the balance in everything and confidently organize your work from home.