How to Avoid Cold and Flu. Tips to Stay away from Winter Health Problems

As the fall and winter seasons come, people catch colds and get infected with the flu, especially those who haven’t gotten the flu shot. The various viruses leave a negative impact on our immune system and life quality. However, there are lots of ways that teach people how to avoid catching colds and getting infected. We turned to experts to take useful information for your health safety and below we share the most important rules to keep you and your family healthy. The greatest wealth is health, isn’t it?

Keep hands clean

The most common way to pick up the virus is to touch a surface that is infected. Yes, while most people think that the flu germs float through the air, their friend germs are sitting on many surfaces. That is why, it is important to always keep hands clean, and here children are a vulnerable age group. Children at kindergarten and school touch infected surfaces without giving them a second thought. So, sound handwashing hygiene should be developed for school-aged children. One technique can be to encourage your child to wash their hands using soap for 20 seconds and with warm water several times throughout the day. Particularly, it is important to wash hands before eating and after arriving home.

Avoid touching the face

Children don’t realize it, but they touch their faces about 15 times per hour. Rubbing eyes, scratching the nose, or biting nails makes the traveling path of influenza-even easier into the body. Parents or caregivers should pay attention to this fact, and always remind them not to touch the face. Also, a good solution is to often use hand sanitizers.

Keep surfaces clean

Some germs stay active on many surfaces such as paper, wood, stainless steel, etc. To deeply understand the presence and number of germs, do keep in your mind that they are more on your laptop or smartphone screen than on a public toilet seat. Germs remain active for several days, and they can damage your health even if no family member in your house is sick. To avoid health problems and don’t let them find their way into your home, keep your surfaces clean. Wipe down the surfaces regularly and use disinfecting wiping methods to lower the risk of getting infected.

Make nutrition a top priority

We as parents and caregivers have one vitally important goal in our lives. We want to see our children happy and delighted. It is good to follow up what the family eats whether it is well-balanced foods or not for proper growth and development, everyone needs lots of candies, junk food, and unhealthy ingredients. You need a stronger immune system since all body cells should be provided with adequate nutrition. That will help the cells to function properly and optimally.

Replace stress with relaxation

Studies show that stress levels are on extremely high levels. The immune system of people more prone to stress is sabotaged both physically and mentally. The list of dangers that are the result of a stressful life is countless. To name them, we should mention the lower quality of life, shorter life, life-threatening activities, lower self-confidence, headaches, obesity, sleepless nights, constant sadness, fatigue, etc. You should never have room for stress and instead, you need to keep it at bay. There are dozens of tools, techniques, and methods for relieving stress and anxiety. Stress-relieving activities ought to be included in your schedule on a daily basis. All you need is to be attentive and find some amazing relaxing activity for the family, engaging all family members.


They say that the best lightning rod for your protection is your own spine. It’s better to protect yourself from dangers than blame others. One type of protection is wearing a facemask, a means that reduces the risk of getting infected with the flu. Influenza spreads through droplets while sneezing or coughing. Also, it can be dangerous because of touching contaminated surfaces of things that had been in the hand of already infected people.