Why going to the gym leads to better sex

People who exercise tend to be more comfortable and confident in their bodies, which can lead to improved sexual desire. Having a positive relationship to your body raises your self-esteem, making you feel sexy and confident.

There are many different benefits in exercising which can play a role in improving your sex life. Here are some fact about the topic that may motivate you start exercising right after reading

- Exercise gets your body relax, helps your body move with greater ease so that you are harmonic and flexible. Moreover, exercise can help to improve your stamina. These benefits help you to move through all of your daily activities with greater ease and that can include sexual activity as well.


- There are also specific outcomes related to exercise that scientists have linked to different aspects of sexual function, research is ongoing, scientists continue to find new ways that physical activity may help you enjoy a healthier and more satisfying sex life.


-A study conducted in 2004 found that more physically fit people rated their own sexual desirability higher than less active people did. About 80% of men and 60% of women who exercised two to three times weekly rated their sexual desirability as 50% more increased than it was before starting to exercise. As the number of days of exercise per week increased, so did the ratings of sexual desirability.


-Gym-goers will tell you, working out can really put you in the mood for hot and sweaty evenings with your partner. It is science! When you work out, your body releases endorphins; the hormones that make you feel euphoric. Unsurprisingly, these endorphins are also released during sex. Your body recognizes that both exercise and sex make it feel fantastic and wants to continue those feelings of pleasure. 


-A 2008 study conducted at Florida Atlantic University found that men and women who exercised frequently were more likely to rate themselves higher in regards to sexual performance and sexual desirability. However, these researchers found that the improvements in sexual health varied between the two sexes. Physical activity was shown to prime a woman’s body for sexual activity by making her more sensitive to touch, while men experience improved sexual function and better orgasms.


- It is obvious that slim-trim and toned body attracts everyone. By going to the gym, the abs become toned, the muscles of the hands and feet become strong. The extra fat starts decreasing, due to which waist starts thinning and curves start coming in the body. In those intimate moments of sex, the attractive body of the partner also plays an important role in making the other partner drunk.



Don’t forget also about the testosterone 
The testosterone hormone plays an important role in the intimate moments of love. The testosterone hormone is known to arise the desire for sex and increase activity. According to research, regular exercise especially squats done in the gym, increases testosterone levels.