Tips to Beat the Winter Blues

Some things in life are not up to you, and unfortunately, you can’t skip the season you dislike. But it is your decision and it is your choice to reduce the effects of feeling downhearted. If you're not a winter person but you are fond of natural light, which is less in wintertime, you should consider some possible solutions for preserving or improving your life quality. Some tips are discussed here that will boost your mood and help you survive the gray days.

Cook something delicious

You have mood swings very often in winter, don't you? Make time to consider the food you eat as a very simple change in your diet can boost your mood. You can easily prevent carb and sugar cravings later in the day if you consume, for example, a protein-based breakfast or dinner. In addition, you will need to increase the amount of vitamin D in your diet as according to a study, food sources containing vitamin D can help balance your mood, and those who have low levels of it, are prone to depression.

Last but not least, healthy food boosts your energy levels and mood. We present some foods that can help you win the battle against winter blues:

●       Nuts, seeds, and oats

●       Dark chocolate

●       Fatty fish

●       Berries

●       Lentils and beans

Click here to include nutritious foods into your food.

Sit in front of a fireplace

The winter blues can take a toll on both your physical and mental health. The first possible reason for disliking winter is that you are not fond of cold weather. The colder the weather, the gloomier you are. Sitting in front of a fireplace can be a very good decision for people like you. A recent study shows that sitting by a fireplace relaxes you and helps lower blood pressure. The social setting offered by a fire is unlike any other. It is a powerful weapon for those who want to have warmth and comfort at home to combat the winter depression.

Show a new look periodically

Now, if you have to beat your seasonal depression, a good solution can be to change your look that in turn will boost your self-confidence and cheer you up. It’s proven that changing wardrobe is good for avoiding mood swings and depression. Sometimes it’s not only inward significance but also the outward appearance. It turns out that very often things are judged by appearances. Consequently, you will be noticed and cheerful again if you try out a new wardrobe, experimenting how a new look can impact your mental health, especially in the dark winter days. A red panama hat or a stylish turtleneck with short haircut can help you beat the winter blues.

Click here and read the guide for making a good impression.

Brighten up your environment

Have you ever noticed that as rain drops from the sky or the sun goes behind the clouds, your mood drops, too? You should brighten up your environment as fall and winter bring less natural light. Now you will ask why light is so important. Light is key to healthy living, well-being, and mood. It can easily impact your energy, sleep, and even mental health. The link between loss of motivation and natural light is not visible at the first sight, but the consequences can be very dangerous for your health. This is because of the dip in serotonin levels caused by lack of sunshine. So, we at Avid are quite convinced that in case of lack of sunlight, you should bring additional lights into your home or office environment.

You may also find this article interesting, which is about making your place warm and comfortable.


Mood swings are caused by various reasons, including life changes, losses, career problems, health issues, toxic relationships, etc. However, experiencing a fluctuation of emotions can be the reason for sunless days in winter. In cold days and in depressive situations, you should know how to boost your mood, and hopefully this article can be a useful guide in the combat with winter seasonal affective disorder.