3 Simple Tips to Be a Successful Parent

You have everything - money, success, family, but you don’t have peace in your mind and delight in your every moment. You wonder why some preschoolers and teenagers listen to their parents and behave themselves well while others are ill-mannered and refuse to take advice.

Many factors are key when shaping a child, but the most part is on parents’ shoulders. It is you who makes the desirable child and the best member of future society. What does it take to be a successful parent? What’s the secret of effective parenting? Here are some tips on how to be a lucky parent with effective parenting strategies.

1.  Accept that everything is good with your child

Parents have a tendency of linking a child's identity to their behavior. Generalizing bad habits into your child’s identity you may mistakenly create a belief that the child has bad behavior. The more you insist on that belief, the more your child behaves according to the level you gave. Meanwhile, successful parents know that their kids are good, unique and motivated individuals, and nothing is wrong with their perceptions, intentions, and manners. Standing next to your children, accepting them as they are, you empower yourself to change the undesired behavior.

2. Acknowledge that your child has a different perception.

Dear parents, please understand that your child is an individual human being and can have a different perception of the world you live in. The lens your child uses can completely differ from the ones you use to see the world. You as a parent ought to respect your child’s worldview, and limit yourself by giving guidance and sharing tips. You may win a negation and nagging reaction if you keep poking your nose in your child’s life.

3. For things to change, you must be ready to change

It’s an improper way of thinking if you believe that only kids must change. For things to change, you must change first of all. Those who have success in parenting know quite well that they have an impact on their thinking and behavior, taking responsibility for their bad behavior or negative attitude. Change your attitude, view things differently and concentrate on achievements. Such an attitude will result in a strong rapport between a parent and child. Your child will do everything properly, if you encourage to do so, let him take ownership and feel respected.


Hopefully these 3 simple tips will help you build healthy relations with your children, believing that they are unique and that they should have their boundaries to have a smooth life and stronger individuality later.

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