5 Tips to Make Your Home Feel More Comfortable

Home is not a place, it’s a feeling. It is the starting place of love, care, and warmth. With its comfort, your home takes your mind off of the negatives of the day and reminds you that you are lucky to have a house that is made of bricks and beams only. You can find your individual and to make your house or room warm and homey. However, before doing that we advise you to read the tips on how to make home feel more comfy, inspiring, and relaxed.

1. Start at the Front

The front of your home is of great importance. Inviting and comfortable home starts at the front of your home. Let’s together discover or revise the ways to cozy up the front of your dwelling. 

A simple ornament, decoration or something else can remind passers-by that it is an awesome home looked after by a very caring person. A wreath, lantern-style lights, welcoming appeal, flower beds, address plaque, etc. will help your home stand out, being a sign at the same time that you are ready to host people, show your infinite hospitality and offer endless comfort. 

2. Add Pictures onto the Walls

It’s difficult to find a home where there is no picture on the walls. People have different tastes and they choose various styles of photography and images for their motivation. 

You can learn more on finding inspiration and being addicted to motivation in life here.


under the word here insert the link for the article 019-How to Stop Being Lost and Find Life Motivation

One is inspired by a luxurious bouquet of roses, others prefer still life, while some are fond of family portraits. The key importance of hanging pictures on the wall is that they add warmth in the room, making people happy. Pictures that are used as a source of inspiration are most likely to be hung in your bedroom or study, for example, you adore motorcycling and all your bedroom walls are covered with pictures of motorcycles.

You should make your space inspire you!

Remember that the pictures should be hung at eye level, creating an element of instant warmth, hospitality and comfort. If you want to impress your guests with your happy family, hang your family portraits, let them know your family’s story more intimately. Also, psychologists believe that due to family portraits, children tend to easily develop self-esteem and self-confidence. They understand that they belong to each other, they are a value and an important member in the family. 


Click here to read more about how to make kids happy and appreciated.

Attention, under the word here, insert the link for the article 164- How to Make Kids Happy

3. Do away with Clutter

Untidy rooms, a disorder in the kitchen, a real mess in the study and clutter in the closet… Is this all about your home? Well, you should get rid of chaos if you want to make your home feel comfortable. Too much stuff, what is more, a mess of necessary and unnecessary things, is very stressful. Research has recently unraveled an astonishing fact, i.e. kitchens full of clutter cause people to pig out. So, right now you need to eliminate the disorder and say no to round-the-clock clutter. But how to say good-bye to something that you cannot get rid of as it’s your way and style of living. Well, we advise you to ask an age-old question for each thing you hesitate, “ Do I really need this?” If you are silent and you feel that your answer is negative, delete it from your life, find a permanent place to put it or other proper ways of dealing with it. Such simple moves will eventually eliminate your home clutter, and you will start to live less stressful, save your time and steady your nerves.

4. Add your Indoor Lighting

Many of you are passionate about warm evenings next to a fireplace when it is dark outside and the gray months of the year. Fireplace is a good tool as indoor lighting, but if you don’t have it in your living room, you can easily purchase some candles that will add more lighting into your room, letting it smell nice.

Giving off lights adds extra coziness into your home. Besides, it adds dimension to a space and brings new energy to your interior.  Creating height and depth, providing the stunning balance of shade and light your properly-chosen indoor lighting will draw attention to your most majestic areas and will never go unnoticed.

5. Make Your Home Sweet-scented

What came to your mind first when you read how to make home smell amazing? Here we will share some tips with you so that you can add fantastic fragrances into your home making it feel more comfortable. A homey smell, for instance, may be provided by the delicious meals cooked in the kitchen. Periodically simmer fruits and herbs on the stove, add citrus slices, mint, etc. in the saucepan, and their steam will carry the sweet scent of ingredients throughout your home. Also, even simple cookies in the oven will bring in a pleasant smell. Put flowers in the middle of your sitting room and let the room be full of freshness and balmy air.

Don’t forget to clean the garbage disposal and trash can to avoid evil-smelling garbage remnants.


In Conclusion

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. Your home is much more than a shelter but it is not about luxury as well. Your indoor environment is an essential element in the health of your household members, and besides, it can be a desirable place for your guests. You will enjoy the discipline and freshness at home, and your guests will love your place as soon as you start working on some of the tips we offered in this piece of writing.