Posts in Life Topics
5 Tips to Make Your Home Feel More Comfortable

Home is not a place, it’s a feeling. It is the starting place of love, care, and warmth. With its comfort, your home takes your mind off of the negatives of the day and reminds you that you are lucky to have a house that is made of bricks and beams only. You can find your individual and to make your house or room warm and homey. However, before doing that we advise you to read the tips on how to make home feel more comfy, inspiring, and relaxed.

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5 Tips to Make Your Home Feel More Comfortable

Home is not a place, it’s a feeling. It is the starting place of love, care, and warmth. With its comfort, your home takes your mind off of the negatives of the day and reminds you that you are lucky to have a house that is made of bricks and beams only. You can find your individual and to make your house or room warm and homey. However, before doing that we advise you to read the tips on how to make home feel more comfy, inspiring, and relaxed.

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Top 5 Things That Can Steal Your Motivation (Immediately)

Demotivation is a category of problems, containing much imbalance.

It’s about not fully committing to act, and there are many reasons why you might be in that position. Having more ways to categorize your demotivation will help you identify the real reasons for your unwillingness to move forward.

Here are 5 types of demotivation and the strategies that will help you find your fire.

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How to Tell You've Got a Jealous Pet

Sometimes we are witnessing our pets behave in a way that indicates they are jealous.

When we want to pet another dog or cat, our pup may shove his way in front of us or knocking our hand away from his canine companion.

Our cat may excessively meow when we’re not paying attention to him, or a dog may annoyingly whine when another pet in the house gets a treat and he doesn’t.

But are these really jealous behaviors?

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How to Find Happiness by Looking Inside of Yourself

Do you want to find Happiness? Everyone wants it.

But let’s be honest, it’s not that easy to find...

Some people find happiness in the simplest of things, others in their family life or their careers.

We all have our definition of what it is and if you want to know how to find your happiness, you should look inside of you to find it.

Here’s how to do it.

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How to Stop Being Lost and Find Life Motivation

How do you stop yousrself from being unmotivated?

Why can't I force myself to do the things that will make my life better?

What can I do about it?.....

There are often roadblocks and valleys along the way where you can get into a slump. And feel like you’ve lost your motivation somewhere along the way.

Does it really mean, you have no desires, no dreams, or nothing to fight for?

Sometimes you suffer from depression and feel lost. Or feeling like a tsunami, other times like just drifting to shore.

When you feel like that, you need to understand that it doesn’t always have to feel like there’s no hope. You can still find hope and feel inspired when you feel like giving up!

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How to Make Difficult Decisions (When There's No Way Out)

Have you ever wondered to make difficult decisions not to regret in the future?

Even if sometimes we know what decisions we should make we often answer “I don’t“, “I can’t“, “I won’t“, or “I shouldn’t.” We should open ourselves like a flower to the whole world without being shy, being afraid, or in any other complexes. Remember, we can be a better version of ourselves...

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The New Future in the Time of Pandemic

As most of the world is taking a turn into the “New” zone regarding Covid-19 exposer to the outside world, we are all wondering what this new planet is going to look like? Are things going to go back to the way they used to be? The common thought is: surely not. Are we going to be able to overcome this trauma? There is a mixed bag of opinions but let’s go with a: SURELY WE WILL!

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Your Adventure Story Pt. I

If you try to catalogue this in a political way, it always seems categorically wrong. Wrong-headed, wrongly worded, politically perversely inverted. It’s a narrative that simultaneously rude but also intimate and inclusive. It puts you off as it beckons you close. It’s bond form with you when you are young. It never goes away.

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The Possible Treatment of Pain through Psychedelics 

Chronic Pain is still in the process of being studied and fully understood through medical research. It is so common amongst modern men and women. How exactly does chronic pain occur? How could we deal with chronic pain without bringing onto ourselves other problems such as addiction to pain killers? Namely, Opioids, which are the cause of a major crisis running through the United States and beyond at the present moment.

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Natural Supplements that Will Make You Love Your Body, Mind and Soul

This might be a good time to boost one’s body/mental health and invest in giving your body some extra natural love. Once you have stocked your fridge and pantry with healthy goodies to keep you alive and well, how can you go the extra mile by giving your body the additional bonus it deserves. Here are a few natural supplements, easily found at your local health food and vitamin stores that could provide you with that well-needed boost of energy, that picker uppers for moments when you lack motivation, a dose of Zen.

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