How to Stop Being That Jealous

Healthy and intimate relationships are the biggest joys in life that bring companionship, and laughter into your lives. 

But when jealousy corrodes the trust in the relationship, it starts to creep into all areas of your life, making it hard to enjoy anything. 

When your jealousy is getting out of control and negatively impacting your relationships, it’s recommended to start learning how to stop being jealous as it’s a prerequisite for a healthy union. 

1.   Be Honest about Your Feelings

If you’re feeling jealous due to a loss or defeat, it might be tempting to appear unscathed

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll need to admit your real feelings, which likely include envy and disappointment. 

It’s this combination of unpleasant and contradictory feelings that leave you feeling stuck. 

Acknowledging your feelings and being okay with them lets you find alternatives.


2.   Determine the Source of Your Jealousy


Every situation is unique, and it might be that the relationship itself needs work in order to restore trust. 

If one isn’t truthful or honoring its obligations in the relationship, the other is correct to feel distrustful

It might also be that your own insecurities cause your jealousy, independent of the other person. 

By getting to the bottom of what’s really driving your jealousy, you’ll be able to find a targeted solution.

3.   Master Your Mindset


If you’re struggling with how to stop being jealous, it’s likely your mindset is keeping you back. 

To uproot jealousy, you should take a close look at your thought patterns. 

If you’re overwhelmed by jealousy, are you sure you’re perceiving the other person clearly – their strengths and contributions to the relationship, as well as their weaknesses? 

If you find yourself always blaming the other person, it’s likely your imbalanced thinking is distorting the relationship. 

Commit to transforming your mindset, and you’re on your way to overcoming jealousy.

4.   Focus on Your Strengths


Thinking about your weaknesses is a sure way to amplify the jealousy whispering in your ear. 

To quiet the voice of jealousy and learn to stop being jealous, introduce another voice – your inner cheerleader

Always remember the time you felt proud of yourself and let yourself relive those feelings. 

What strengths did you bring to the table, and how did they promote your success? 

Make a list of your skills and talents. Actively focusing on your positive traits builds your self-esteem so you’re able to engage others without insecurity.

5.   Find Commonalities


If you’re trying to stop being jealous and controlling around a specific person, build camaraderie with them. 

Find out traits you share with that person and realize that the other person isn’t perfect either. 

By finding mutual understanding, you humanize the other person so you’re able to relate to them on equal footing.


If you are in a relationship, it’s normal to feel a little jealous at times, especially if you have strong feelings for your partner. 

But sometimes jealousy can be destructive and serve as a poison in intimate relationships: you can’t give your partner the freedom to live life, nor can you truly feel free when you’re dealing with a jealous partner.

Although controlling jealousy might sound elusive to you, it’s possible for you to let it go once and for all and feel confident in your relationships, all the time.

Next time you feel jealousy creeping up, follow the above suggestions, and you will be in a better position to build your relationship and deepen the trust.