How Social Media Destroys Relationships


Social media has become so ingrained in our daily life, that it is now a potential source of tension and conflict in relationships.

Nowadays many relationships are started via social media, so it's hard to break the habits that might one day become more detrimental than helpful.

Today, when moving out of social media is so difficult, let’s have a look at some of the negative effects of social media on relationships and on our lives.

1. It limits Personal Interaction

How does social media affect relationships? Well, it limits personal interaction.

Sometimes there are times when we’re sitting next to our loved ones, but instead of having a one-on-one interaction with each other, we’re busy chatting with a person sitting miles away.

Such constant actions create a barrier between the two-loved ones and push them apart from each other.

So, make sure when we’re with our loved ones, keep our mobile phones aside. 

The digital platforms can wait and are surely not as important as the person present with us at that moment.

2. It Invites the Past into Your Present

How many times have we received a friend request, or message from an old friend, or ex from the past? 

Social media sometimes has limited boundaries when it comes to people accessing or contacting you. 

While this may bring back some memories of the good times, it can also invite unwanted emotions back into our life.

3. You Can Become Addicted

How many times have we reached for our phone first thing in the morning or flicked through it while having dinner? 

There must be a rule that no phones or tablets are accessible during any social gathering and meal! 

We lived without it before for thousands of years and all functioned a whole lot better.

So let’s put the phones down and talk to each other like the good old days!

4․ Social Media Can Strengthen a Relationship

Imagine? it’s not all bad news! 

Social media sometimes can positively impact relationships in different ways. 

It’s common to see friends and relatives posting adoring photos, little videos, or small messages that can put a smile on their loved one’s face.

Nevertheless face-to-face communication can’t be beaten as we can’t touch someone over a cell phone.


Social media is like a two-edged sword that can either benefit you in discovering a relationship or could have the opposite effect and destroy it. 

We should use social media wisely and don't let social media ruin relationships. 

We need to share appropriately and take advantage of social media for the betterment of our lives!