7 Secret Things Women Seek in Relationships


It's not always easy to understand what the person sitting across from you wants in a relationship!

What women really want in relationships is probably not what most men can ever expect. Sure, you should always ask the woman you're dating what she wants, but let's be honest: That's always easier said than done! 

So, what do women want in men? 

We polled a group of women and compiled their answers in the list below to help you guys out :)

1. Respect

You should show her through your actions that you respect her opinions, careers, interests, friends, bodies, etc. 

It doesn’t mean you have to agree with all that she says or does, but try to honor her opinions as valuable contributions.

So follow the golden rule and treat her as you would like to be treated: 

Be always honest, kind, and considerate!

2. Romance

Just because you're staying in doesn't mean the evening can't be romantic! 

Light the candles and see where the night leads.

Treat her like your girlfriend, even after she becomes your wife. It's one of the simplest things women want in a relationship.

Date nights, kissing like when you first started dating — all of the things that made her fall in love with you don't have to stop just because now there are bills to pay, and kids that need to get bathed.

3. Time

Girls surely understand relationships can't be all wine and roses! 

Simply take the time to be with them and treating them like your top priority says "love" more than all the fancy and expensive gifts. 

This also includes helping her around the house.

If you happen to get home before she does, why not take vacuum the living room or throw in a load of laundry?

4. Communication

Everyone knows women are vocal creatures

They know you love her, but it's also nice to hear you say it. 

They can also be insecure, often notice their wobbly thighs, and forget about their gorgeous eyes.

So tell her she’s beautiful. It helps her feel good. Plus, when she feels sexy she’s more likely to act sexy.

5. Sense of Humor

To your surprise, being funny makes you more attractive to any woman. 

In real life, they want and love to laugh, there’s no science to it – it’s just a fact.

One hundred percent of women undoubtedly appreciate a witty man. 

So if you can make her laugh, she’ll almost always think you’re awesome.

It’s a fact that laughter, more than love, is the shortest distance between two hearts.

6. Intimacy

Yes, women love sex, too! And this shouldn't be a surprise. 

So don't become lazy and stop making an effort to be sexy for your woman. 

They like to feel wanted by you and, so the sense of intimacy is one of the most important prerequisites in a stable relationship.

7. A Family Man

Nearly every woman dreams about a family man!

A family man likes children, cares about raising children and they’re emotionally stable and mature.

They are also devoted to women and which is more important they’re loyal.


Getting her to love you, respect you, and want you the way she did at the beginning, isn't difficult at all!

The things women want in relationships are not complicated. 

It’s one of the easiest things you can ever imagine!

They are in most cases, things that come with a healthy, and stable relationship.


Following the tips in this article, you’ll develop into the type of man that any woman would love to date!