How to Deal With Jealous Friends


Nearly everyone deals with haters or jealous people

Even Mother Theresa had hatred directed at her. 

It doesn’t matter who you are or what positive influence you are trying to make; haters gonna’ hate. 

However, what hurts even more is to have a friend or loved one who is jealous of you and that jealousy is affecting the relationship.So what do you do when you have a jealous friend who either ghosts you when things are going well, or scoffs at your happiness

Not addressing jealousy can affect emotional well-being and cause relationships to fester. Here we’re offering some guidance on how to recognize jealousy and productive ways to deal with it.

Talk About Jealousy With an Open Mind

When sharing certain things with your friend sparks a negative reaction, you probably put yourself down around them, even when you know you’ve done something well.

But this won’t do much to lessen their jealousy, and they may also come to resent you.

Your friend may even be aware of their jealousy but not know how to manage their feelings differently. 

Sometimes talking about the issue often works better than pretending it doesn’t exist!

Your Friendship Needs a Break

Jealousy happens for a lot of reasons: self-doubt, and insecurity among them. 

Sometimes, talking to your friend can help you work through jealousy together. 

But if you try to talk to your friend and their behavior doesn’t change, you may want to take some time apart or even end the friendship.

It can be difficult to realize that this is the best option and it’s wise to take a step back, at least temporarily. 

Disarm Them with Positivity

Knowing that a person’s jealousy is rooted in their insecurities and self-doubt can help you be more understanding and change your reaction when someone acts out in jealousy toward you. 

If a friend makes a jealous comment toward you try to disarm them with a positive comment. 

Providing them with a compliment will help ease their insecurities. 

Words carry power. 

Showing love and using positive words to encourage can be infectious, so spread it and the world will become a better place.

Ignore and Avoid

Sometimes having haters is a sign that you are doing things right and are successful. 

Their insults and criticism are directed at those who they know are better than them, so they always try to look for faults in those people.

You shouldn’t allow these people to bring you down. Keep being you and keep being successful! Don’t allow someone else’s failures to bring you down or prevent you from pursuing your dreams. 


The more successful you become the more people will become jealous of you.

What you need is to avoid and ignore these haters out of your life.

Remember you can not make all people happy. Rather than focusing on changing these types of people to like you, focus your time and energy on encouraging relationships. There are a lot of people in this world who are positive and loving. They show love to others in their relationships because they treat others how they want to be treated. 

Invest your time and energy with these types of people since they are of high value in your life. Relationships are powerful and important, so make sure yours are rooted in positivity, encouragement, and love.