5 Ways to Overcome Even the Worst Breakups


Breakups – most of us surely have been through one! 

Some breakups are quick and painless, others just destabilizing

But what should you do after? When you can’t stop thinking about the person without whom you can’t imagine your life

Sometimes, things feel so bad that you don’t even know what to do and how to keep going. Sometimes, you just want to give up as you don’t know what to do to ease the pain

There’s something that breaks inside you and you aren’t able to muster up the energy to trudge on through life, trying to be okay when inside you’re just falling apart.

And all you want to do is get through those emotions as quickly as possible, so you can move on and stop feeling so terrible.

You should realize that it’s going to be hard to start feeling better again and you just need time to work through all your feelings. 

 Following all steps in this article, you can begin the healing process today!

1. Let Yourself Feel Your Emotions... 

After breakups, it’s common for people to ignore their feelings or tell themselves that they’re okay when they’re not. 

You don’t need to shut off your emotions, you should give yourself time to feel them. 

Let the tears flow, feel free to express your anger, and listen to all those sad songs. 

Once you properly process your emotions you’ll be able to move on, so it’s important to give yourself the solace and attention you need right now.

Whatever it is you’re feeling, feel it. You shouldn’t bury it, hide from it or ignore it. 

Feel the awful, brutal feelings. Mourn the loss, as a breakup is a loss! 

It’s the loss of potential, the loss of what could have been...

2. Don’t Blame Yourself for Things That Went Wrong

Yeah, it feels personal, it feels like you weren’t good enough, that you should have done something else. But it’s not. 

After a breakup, it’s normal to reflect on the relationship and focus on the details of the relationship that caused the breakup.

Maybe you made some mistakes, maybe you could have done something different, but chances are this isn’t the reason the relationship ended.

Remember, it isn’t because you weren’t enough so stop blaming yourself for things that went wrong.

3. Write Him a Message You Don’t Send

This may seem a part of the grieving process, and while it may sound pointless, it is incredibly therapeutic and can assist in helping your feelings process.

After a breakup, your emotions will start spiraling all over the place – sadness, anger, nostalgia, emptiness.

No matter what state you’re in, write a message with all the things you want to say to him, whether you’re feeling fury and want to let him have it, or you’re missing him and want to reflect upon the happier times.

4. Find New Hobbies to Occupy You

The post-breakup period is a great time to pick up new hobbies and interests.

Keeping yourself busy will not keep you from thinking about your past relationship, but it’s a great way to get out there and meet new people.

If you’re looking to clear your head and get rid of the repetitive thoughts then the best thing you can do is to find a new occupation. 

Whether you pick up running, yoga, or gym, working out and getting your heart rate up will increase your endorphins, which will have you feeling excited and satisfied in no time!

As exercise is good for your body, mind, and soul, when you get moving you’ll not only feel better physically but also mentally! 

Instead of laying around and thinking about your ex, focus on using your body to help you get through your breakup. 

And who knows who you’ll meet when you put yourself out there?

5. Surround Yourself with Love

The loss of someone with who you shared a relationship inevitably leaves a void that can make you feel more alone than ever before. 

The best way to overcome this feeling is to fill the hole with more love, either from family or friends. 

Don’t isolate yourself from the world, get out there, meet new people and rebuild some of those relationships that may have been neglected due to your relationship. 

Try to spend as much time as you can around people who truly love you and care about your happiness and wellbeing.


Rather than looking back on your former relationships with pain and regret, try to be grateful that you had the experience that gave you something you needed. 

And above all, remember that you will get through this and everything will be OK!

It feels like a death when someone who was once so much a part of your life is now no longer in it, even if you realize that this wasn’t the right relationship for you. 

You should give yourself time to grieve and be kind to yourself. 

Don’t get mad at yourself for your feelings. You should accept it as a part of the process. 

But never let this drag on for too long. 

Life goes on and you’ll never move forward if you keep mourning this loss. 

Give yourself time, to let it all out, and then try to pick up the pieces...