What Men Want in a Relationship


What does a man indeed want from the woman he loves?

If you’re asking yourself this question, probably your guy seems grumpy, distant or depressed. Or maybe he’s all three!

What most women think men want from them often causes women to anger toward men, and feel hopeless about a wonderful and romantic partnership.

What men think women want from them often causes them the same feelings and frustration.

Men want a partner who sometimes can laugh at herself, who is trustworthy and friendly and is always there to support them in any desperate situation.

They also need a woman who sees her part in relationship dynamics and is emotionally stable.

Whether you are just getting into a relationship or have been in it, it is useful to know what men want in a relationship.

1. He Wants You to Be Happy

All men want their partner to be happy!

In fact, to him, your happiness is the reflection of his sense of worth as a man.

So if you’re not happy, he’ll start to fix whatever he thinks you may be unhappy about.

Always remember that your happiness is the key to his happiness!

2. He Loves When You Take Interest in His Interests

Nearly all men love when their partner is interested in what he’s passionate about.

Those interests could be a hobby that he loves, his favorite sports team, or just his job.

Surely, you don’t need to be interested in everything he’s interested in, but when you start to show interest in anything he loves, you will strengthen the bond and a connection between you.

When you start to connect to something he loves, the love he has for that thing connects to you!

3. He Wants You to Initiate Sex

To most men, sex is the MAIN path to the deepest emotional connection possible.

It’s the primary means of expressing and receiving love.

He wants to feel like you want him, not just because he wants the physical release of sex, but because you want him shows that you love him as deeply as he loves you.

So go ahead and be bold… always surprise him! Come out of the bathroom wearing some sexy lingerie!

Initiating sex, your man will know, in the clearest way, that you love him and that you want him to love you!

4. He Wants You to Be Attractive

Nowadays many people easily fall into relationships even though there is no strong attraction there.

There are some ways that you can inadvertently lessen his attraction to you.

This could happen if you are way too demanding.

If you push him away too much and play mind games with him, he could end up losing his attraction to you.

Desperation is a huge attraction killer as well. You should be willing to do things for him, maintaining your self-respect!

5. He Loves to Be Appreciated

We all have a bit of an ego and men also aren’t different.

Even the most confident man could use some reassurance.

Whether it is about themselves, how good they are in bed, or how they are as partners, men always love to be praised.

While men do not need as much praise as women, being praised by their beloved ones can positively impact their self-confidence.

Men love to be appreciated and recognized for the things they do whether they are large or small, and it is always best especially when the praise comes from a significant other.

6. He Wants to Be Respected

It can be easy to tease the opposite gender or always make a joke or two but consider your partner’s feelings.

You should do yourself a favor and do not belittle your significant one as you probably would not like to be belittled either.

Sometimes this happens accidentally so be always careful of being overly critical with him.

Remember it’s not good if you do not make him feel good about himself!

After all, if you do not respect him, then do you really love him?

Another part of respect towards him is seeing him as your equal. That means not treating him like a child.

You shouldn’t treat him like a little boy and compare him to the other guys out there who are stronger, better looking, wealthier, and so on.

Remember men deserve respect, and that goes double for those who are in a relationship!


Understanding man’s feelings and desires can be beneficial to the entire relationship.

So let’s start putting an end to the needless fighting due to miscommunication, the unnecessary sex-less nights, and the verbal shut-downs.