5 Unwritten Rules to Maintain a Healthy Eating Lifestyle


In our daily life, we often eat unhealthy food and drink carbonated sugary drinks, which certainly negatively impact our health and physical activity.

Here are some 5 Unwritten Rules that can help you to maintain a healthy eating lifestyle!

1. Eat Regularly

Eating a variety of foods regularly and in the right amounts is the best formula for your healthy lifestyle.

Skipping meals sometimes can lead to hunger, resulting in overeating.

Snacking between meals can help you control hunger, but it should not replace proper meals. For snacks, we can choose yogurt, fruits or vegetables, also some bread with cheese.

2. Eat the Right Amount of Calories

Calories are a measure of energy!

To gain weight, you should consume more calories than you expend vice versa you lose weight if you use more calories than you consume.

By eating the right amount of calories for how active you are, you balance the energy you consume with the energy you use!

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Drink plenty of fluids and water instead of carbonated sugary drinks. Your body relies on water to continue living and working.

It provides energy for your body to maintain a healthy and accurate weight. Any adult needs to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid a day.

4. Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables!

Fruits and vegetables are among the most important foods for giving us a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Studies have shown that eating lots of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of several diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

5. Enjoy Your Food

Many people think that healthy eating and enjoying it are mutually exclusive.

To maintain a healthy lifestyle you should also find nutritious foods that you enjoy eating.

Food should be something you enjoy and which also nourishes you as it’s not just fuel!


Following these rules, you can completely get rid of bad eating habits and focusing on improving your healthy diet.

That will be the best guarantee of your healthy lifestyle and physical activity!