How to Become a Happier Person Even When Your Life's Crashing?


You may feel irritable, overwhelmed, and just not at your best when you feel overloaded by demands in your lives. 

While you may not be able to control all of the factors that are causing stress in your life, there are a few things you can do for increasing your happiness even when life is stressful, so you feel less overwhelmed, and you can more easily shake off a bad day. 

1. Cultivate Optimism

While there are several things in life you can change to relieve stress, there are also things you have to deal with such as job stressors, busy schedules, and other stressors that arise. 

However, as it's perceived stress that triggers the stress response, if you are able to shift your outlook, those things you can’t control may feel less stressful for you. 

So start to shift your outlook and cultivate optimism!

2. Stay Connected

As most of us instinctively know, healthy relationships are one of the best components of happiness we have. 

Positive, supportive, and respectful relationships can surely buffer us against stress when we face our inevitable challenges. 

To keep your relationships strong, it’s important not only to make time for your friends and relatives, maintain a sense of humor, to have a lot of fun but also to be sure you have healthy communication and conflict resolution skills.

3. Cut Down on Energy Drains

Certain parts of your life drain your energy. 

They bring negative energy or high demands that makes you slightly more tired when you look at it, to a part of your day that you wish you could just avoid.

Sometimes we get so used to these drains that we don’t notice how many of them we have in our lives, and we don’t try to eliminate them. 

By becoming more aware of them and cutting down on drains, you will be able to free up enough time and energy to engage in more “make me happy” activities. 

4. Make Room for What’s Important to You

Commonly, there are so many things that you feel you have to do that you don’t have as much time for activities that you enjoy and are meaningful to you.

You should cut out some of those “make me stressed”, activities to make room for the “make me happy” ones. 

This may be challenging, but definitely, it’s not impossible, and well worth the effort it takes to make the necessary changes. 

5. Get Help If You Need It

There are people who really can help to relieve stress. You just need to ask for it. 

Can you delegate some of your responsibilities? 

You should accept additional support from friends as this can make a big difference in how you feel. 

And sometimes stress may be overwhelming in a way that becomes difficult to handle alone. 


With a busy lifestyle, and with stressors, it's important to have quick routes to happiness, so you can create positive feelings as quickly as possible. 

Knowing what makes you happy helps you to find an easy way to raise your spirits and make happiness a habit.