How to Improve Your Mind Power in 4 Revolutionary Ways


Nowadays the majority of people underestimate their mind power.

However, the potential for improving your brain function and your mind power is immense if you can find a way for it and make use of this amazing organ.

If you doubt the astounding power of your mind, then you should only look around you: we have transformed the world and even reached the moon and, the nearby planet Mars. 

But while we are mentally powerful in the first place, our daily modern lives seem to conspire to dull it: from the strict schedules we operate on to the mentally harmful things we engage in, it is no wonder then that many people feel that they can use merely a fraction of the entire potential of their mind. 

If you are trying to find out how to improve your mind power, you should check out the following tips.

1. Always Keep Your Brain Active

To maintain the full function of your brain and be able to increase the power of your mind gradually you need to make sure you use what you have.

Do activities that challenge you and make you think every day, or you will find that it is more difficult for you to recall information and you struggle to retain details.

From time to time do logic puzzles or crosswords, and as you start practice, you will discover that they become easier. 

Becoming more proficient, the brain stops needing to work as hard, so the improvements slow down and may stop completely. 

If you changing the type of puzzle it will provide a new challenge and keep your brain working hard!

2. Unlock Your Potential with Meditation

Meditation has a deep effect on the brain and its function! 

It requires no special equipment or training to get started – anyone can try it. 

All you need to do is find a quiet place to sit, close your eyes and focus on your breathing. 

Forget about anything else that is going on around you or in your life. 

As you reach a light state of meditation, the patterns you produce will change from beta to alpha, which promotes the learning and processing of information. 

Regular meditation leads to an increase in the amount of grey matter in the brain, which helps store and process information more easily. 

By increasing the levels of neurochemicals found in your body meditation can help you to unlock the full potential of your mind.

3. Unlock Your Brain Power with What You Eat

You may not think that what you eat could have much of an impact on your mind, but you would be surprised! 

The foods we eat have a big impact on how our brain works — the brain, as a major organ, consumes more than one-fifth of the food and oxygen we take in every day.

Large amounts of processed foods will not only make you feel lethargic and cause you to put on weight but also deprive your brain of the antioxidant chemicals and essential fatty acids.

You can help your brain and sharpen your mind by replacing these foods with fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, and lean meat, and you will soon notice the difference, both in your body and your mind.

4. Replace Negative Thoughts with Productive Thoughts

Although most of us don’t spend time thinking about our thoughts, increasing our awareness of our thinking habits proves useful in building resilience. 

Negative thoughts, such as, “I can’t do anything right,” keep you from reaching your full potential. 

You should catch your negative thoughts before they spiral out of control and influence your behavior.

Identify and replace overly negative thoughts with more productive and positive thoughts. 

Productive thoughts shouldn’t be extremely positive but realistic. 

A more balanced thought maybe, “I have some weaknesses, but I also have plenty of strengths.” 

Changing your thoughts needs constant monitoring, but the process can be instrumental in helping you become your best self.


Constant experimentation and tweaking will allow you to test things out and see what works best for you.

You need to focus on one or two things at a time. 

Remember improving your brain power is about habits, and habits take time to build!


In addition to these steps, you can always reach out to a Psychic Mastermind on Avid Advice for that extra help! Avid Advice is the only premier VIP & Celebrity platform for intuitive readings where you can chat with trusted and tested Psychic advisors by call or chat 24/7. Join today and enjoy a free 3-Minute Promo toward your first conversation.