4 Best Cities for Single People to Find Love

In the era of dating apps, it seems impossible to find a relationship organically. Of course, it is more than likely. However, you must constantly engage yourself in events and activities. It is also required to open your social life to new people. 

So, today's examination is about places in the world where is more likely to find love. 

Don't miss the content especially if you are single. 

According to the statistical data, there are locations where the population is specific, and singles are dominant.

For the beginning, let us review the list below:

  • Miami, United States - 58.77% of the people surveyed in this city are single and 30.95% are divorced.

  • London, United Kingdom - 57.14% single and 34% divorced.

  • Gothenburg, Sweden - 58.99% single and 55.36% divorced.

  • Paris, France 55.82% single and 33.85% divorced.

  • New York, United States - 57.36% single and 18.32% divorced.

  • Stockholm, Sweden - 61.03% single and 64.56% divorced.

  • Barcelona, Spain - 47.69% single and 25.6% divorced.

  • Chicago, United States - 62.83% single and 21.61% divorced.

  • San Francisco, United States - 58.44% single and 19.96% divorced.

  • Berlin, Germany - 58.37% single and 56.13% divorced.

As it is well-known, the numbers do not lie. And maybe because of those numbers, dating sites are so popular nowadays.

For that very reason, we have separated 4 cities where you need to be for further adventures and romance.

Paris, France

Paris is the romantic capital of the world. Whatever emotions you will feel there, those will lead you to something special. 

Barcelona, Spain 

The dating culture in this city is known to be one of the best in the world. It is essential to note that the attitude of the locals is positive and friendly. As a tourist, you can make new friends and choose the right person.


There are many events in Chicago you could attend. Find any interest in terms of sports leagues, training groups, cooking classes, networking events, or volunteering. Just obtain the required information and go there to make your dream come true.

San Francisco

San Francisco is America's third-best city for singles, after Atlanta and Denver. Let us trust statistics and try to find an outstanding love experience there.

Reminder: be patient with the universe’s plans for your heart. The only thing you must follow is if you really enjoy something, your body language opens up and allows to occur a connection with others more naturally.