The 8 stages of a Twin Flame relationship

As it is obvious, every relationship supposes being filtered at some stages. 

Let's channel our attention to 8 stages in twin relationships which are vitally important and could lead to misconceptions simultaneously.


Stage 1. The hunting of your twin flame

This stage is typical to situations when you feel a lack of something essential everywhere. At the very beginning, you just need to be open to a new individual in your life and then follow the next step.


Stage 2. Realizing you have found the right one

It is called the awakening stage when you both meet in reality, and realize the possibility of your compatibility. Substantially even small hints are enough to predict the sequence of occasions.  

It is worth mentioning you don't need to be together for the rest of your life just to be sure what is next. The momentary contact is enough to anticipate something special will happen.


Stage 3. Setting up your boundaries

Whereas each relationship moves at its own pace, you need to emphasize the nature of your communication. All you need is to try to define your relationship with this other person, highlight boundaries, validate your limitations, and avoid toxic interrelation.


Stage 4. Facing the crisis point

Crisis and impasse are factors you can take advantage of or fail the challenge. While this is unavoidable, the consolation is that trials can make your connection deeper and more stable, depending on your attitude.

At the crisis stage, you have concerns when it comes to relations with your mirror soul partner. It can be connected to disloyalty, egocentricity, or any number of other things.

There are many cases when twin flames could not bear a relationship anymore and split up.

Nevertheless, if you can overcome critical phases, you will become more powerful than ever.


Stage 5. Fighting against intimacy

Here you are testing the distance between twin flames. Naturally, you will try to sidestep the extra intimacy in terms of your personal space. 


Stage 6. Relaxing

At this stage, you accept your connection as a gift of destiny and put away all your suspicions. Due to mutual efforts and understanding, you can get closer. Indeed, the universe will lead you where you need to be.


Stage 7. Decision making

It is highly essential to take a risk and make a decision that can be crucial for each one of you. That step can guide you to reunion or separation despite your motivation.


Stage 8. Accepting reality

Whatever you pursue or choose, the influential point is to accept the reality the way it is and remind yourself that your souls are united forever. Even if you will separate, there must be healthy relations.



Unfortunately, twin flames are not always about long-term relationships. There are numerous situations when two individuals are getting into narcissistic and self-destructive relationships.

The message is you are not in need of blindly surrendering to the first impression: always take a break to define the relationship you are in.


Looking for extra guidance in your Twin Flame journey? Reach out to Psychic Masterminds on Avid Advice and get a free new user reading.