What’s the difference between Twin Flames and Soulmates?

On one hand, humanity has always questioned the existence of twin flames and soulmates. On the other hand, reality shows the opposite. 

Let's get clear on what twin flame and soulmate are and how to differentiate them.

It is accepted to consider twin flame as the other half of your soul. In other words, a soul can split into two and remain in two diverse bodies.

Comparing a twin flame and soulmate, we need to highlight that a soulmate is someone who is made from the same kind of energy as you.

The core dissimilarity is the argument twin flames are two halves of the complete whole. In contrast, soulmates are merely two particular souls that are completely linked to one another.

Emotional intelligence: A soulmate relationship is directed to personal development and learnings for both sides, whereas a twin flame relationship has a much more serious intent, including enhancing each other’s lives.

Destiny: If twin flames present themselves as connected forever, then in the case of soulmates there are not any permanent conditions. 

Insecurity: As it was mentioned, twin flames have a sense of foreverness. Soulmates, on the other hand, can choose to go on their own ways. 

Physical connection: This definition is typical to both. Anyway, twin flames have a chance to get deeper and go beyond the physical factor.

Background: It is important to note you and your soulmate could face various experiences, whereas your twin flame will have experienced similar life circumstances as you during the same time in their lives.

Authority: Twin flames' relationship does not suggest any manipulation. Contrary, soulmates do not stay out of it.


That is fancy you already know the main differences between such popular terms.

So, why are you postponing? Your loved ones are waiting for your brave honesty.