Best Tarot Cards for Reconciliation

Tarot cards will show you up when you need to reconcile a relationship with someone in your life. By identifying the reasons of problem, you'll be able to address the situation, find forgiveness, and move forward stronger than before.



Justice reminds you that you must be equally open to both sides of the situation. You must do your part to understand the other’s perspective, and don’t think only of yourself. You must open yourself to accepting the truth of your situation.



Temperance is an important card in reconciliation becauseit reminds you that a relationship is a combination of two people’s pasts, present, desires, stresses, joys, fears. If Temperance arises remember to be tolerant in your situation. 

Everyone acts and reacts differently, and expecting others to act as you would, is not realistic. Do not pressure others incessantly to find a resolution. Do what you can to demonstrate acceptance and openness, and have patience.

Page of Cups

When the Page of Cups arises, it indicates that you are experiencing a new way of feeling, and new ways of interacting with others. This card is telling you that you’re a different person now. 

How you felt about things and how you reacted in the past was the old you. Now, with a newer, more mature sense of feeling and openness, these rifts can be reconciled to new perspectives on an old situation.