​10 Best Dating Rules Everyone Should Know About

1. Make Jokes But Don’t Be Funny 

Joking is a perfect way to break the ice. Everyone likes having fun. Keep it light and flirty.

This shouldn’t be too hard. Find out something you both agree on. Joke together. Remember that this is a date and enjoying yourselves is important, it isn't a job interview.

2. Date The One Out of Your Personality

Often, we choose those with whom we have a lot in common. However, if you’re not finding success with this, try dating someone outside your comfort zone. 

Opposites not only have the potential to attract, they can also help you grow and learn about what you do and do not want in a partner. Try to date someone out of your “type” or what you think you like. 

This will give good insight to what you truly want. What you think is good for you might not be the only thing that is good for you. If you keep dating the same type, your results may be the same as well.

3. Following Your Instincts 

We know when we have found the one we are looking for, but what happens when following your instincts continuously leads you to date people who are wrong for you? 

Many people don’t know how to follow their impulse and think it’s an instinct. If this is something you struggle with, stop following your “instincts.” Try to separate your thinking and feelings. Be objective, and think about what kind of person will truly be good for you.

4. Be Yourself

We all try to be “cool” at the beginning. We pretend you watch the movie genres the date likes, and we tell them we like their music taste even though we like something completely different. 

Even if you’re still at the phase of shaving your legs before every date, be honest and upfront with your likes, dislikes, and who you are. Not only will it save you time and heartbreak with the people who aren’t a good match, but it will help the right person find you.

Always remember to be yourself but still try not to get too talkative. 

5. Prepare and Dress Appropriately

Take time to look nice for a date. You don’t need to go overboard, but be sure to do the basics.

Wearing a simple outfit like dark jeans, a t-shirt, and boots you’ll not look attractive. Wear a dress, loafer, blazer suitable for the place chosen, without seeming like you’re trying too hard. 

No matter what kind of date you’re on, putting in a bit of effort goes a long way. 

6. Don’t Manipulate Communication

A good relationship is built on healthy communication. If you had a great time, tell your date. If you’d like to see her again, tell your date. In case you want to wish her a good night, go ahead.

Anything after might be creepy, then it’s better to wait till morning.

7. Arrive on Time

Trying to arrive late might make you seem frivolous rather than attractive. 

This is old fashioned dating etiquette but arriving on time is a must. It is the job of both individuals to value and respect time.

8. Be Honest

The relationship between you two will start in the best possible way if you are totally honest with your date. 

You should always be proud of expressing exactly who you are and what you stand for and if it doesn’t sit well with them then you know that they aren’t the right person for you.

9. Keep it Light and Romantic

Keep it light and avoid too personal questions that may ruin the atmosphere. Visiting art galleries, museums, parks and then going for a light but fun dinner are ideal for a first date. 

Less pressure, more romanticism is perfect for getting to know each other. People tend to talk or drink much when they are nervous so try to get a hold of yourself. Don't be too loud and don't look at your phone all the time. 

10. Move on if You Are Interested

If you enjoyed your date and you want to meet up again, make sure to let him/her know. In the past women expected to be pursued by their date, but modern dating rules are different. 

Now everyone is expected to make their interest clear, so give your date a call if you want a second date!