How to Read Tarot Cards for Children

You know that Tarot comes to help adults when they have concerns about the present and future.

Read here if you want to learn more about Tarot reading.

Lots of people are surprised to learn that young people can use Tarot as an effective tool as well. They do have some desires and wishes and when they start chasing after them and meeting problems in their path, they may feel the necessity of getting help from someone and somewhere. They might want to please parents, be praised by the coach or teacher, or long for getting the prize in the competition.

As a matter of fact, Tarot reading is rewarding for children, too. Sometimes, youngsters are more passionate about Tarot cards than adults. Being impatient for the future, they are often unreserved in their comments on the images of cards, and as a result, they give good feedback about the accuracy and the professionalism of the reader.


1.     Choose the deck attentively

We advise you to pull out some intimidating or frightening images. It will be a good decision to eliminate the Devil, the Death, and other horrifying cards from the deck. The effectiveness of reading won’t suffer from that.

Choose a deck that is full of bright colors, something that is catchy and admirable. Avoid decks that have images of violence, naked people, or 18+ content. Children won’t benefit from such gruesome decks.

2.     Get a permission by parents

It is important to check with the parent for Tarot reading, then only you can feel free to start it. Sometimes children don’t tell their parents as they know the answer will be negative. That is why Tarot readers should never take chances. Instead, they need to reassure that it is okay if you look at the cards and follow the predictions for the future.

Try to limit the reading and don’t go much into details if there is no chance of asking the parent and getting permission as sometimes you may appear reading for a big audience or when a teenager is already at your home. Be cautious and always remember that parents’ permission is really very important.

3.     Explain your steps and be transparent

As a Tarot reader you can be very experienced, yet you may face problems when reading for children and teenagers. Here you need to explain the process and steps. The child should know everything concerning the function and main purpose. Tell about shuffling and spreading, also, tell that the cards are mainly known as fortune telling cards. This will be the most appropriate way of introducing them to children even if you use Tarot reading in more complex ways.

4.     Choose a style of reading

Harmonize your style of reading with the age of the child. The methods chosen for reading, comments, explanations, personal attitude, tone, vocabulary, etc. should never be the same for all ages. Each client of a specific age deserves a unique way of reading. Most probably you may need Cartoons and movie stars to associate your predictions with them, some heroes that are well known among youngsters. Finally, always keep in mind that you deal with a child or teenager, and some negative things should not be involved in your reading.

5.     Give advice and offer suggestions

Children need more help when they turn to Tarot reading. They may not understand prolonged and wearisome explanations. They need specific help, advice that is directly linked to their life experience. As a Tarot reader you should make concrete suggestions for them to initiate something in their life. You have no right to limit a child’s growth in any way. You may be the only reader who the child may see, and the message or prediction you give, may be fatal, being with the child for the whole life.

6.     Be brief with young people

The span of attention differs for each group of children, for example, preschoolers have an attention span of 20-30 seconds. Taking this into account, your reading should be concluded in half a minute. Just one or two sentences that emphasize a preschooler’s talent, highlighting the abilities and skills, can be enough. For elementary school children, you may read the cards for about 10 minutes and some 20 minutes for older groups of children.

7.     Provide a happy conclusion

Whatever you read for the young participants, do your best to conclude everything with a happy note. Sending children off with a gift, note, or sweet treat will make them happier than ever. Try to say something more pleasant at the end of reading, also you can keep a positive thing for the end that will cheer up the child. You can offer a give-away tarot deck or one card from an extra deck. Prepare a colorful and eye-catching business card and write down a positive quote on it. Also, you can give children something that will be the token of your reading.

A word from Avid

Some experienced Tarot readers say that they enjoy reading with children more than reading for adults. And no matter how you conduct your reading, it will be joyful, full of bright colors, emotions, and vibes.