Finding Spirituality


I love having the freedom to believe whatever I choose to believe. I have also gained a great amount of respect for each and every religion and spiritual practice that exists today. I know we are all on the same path. We just have different ways of approaching it. There is no right or wrong way, just different paths to get closer to our inner-selves. 

Here are some thoughts to be conscious of when approaching your spiritual path:

1) Know there is no “normal” when it comes to spirituality, religion or beliefs. Your beliefs are unique to you.

2) Be grateful for the differences that surround you. These differences allow you to mold your own journey into a custom path. 

3) Keep seeking for your greatest you. With each day that passes, you have the opportunity to wake up and do better than you did yesterday.

Love your entire journey, not just the feel-good moments. More times than not, it’s the painful events in our lives that help mold us into the beautiful spiritual beings we are.

What tips do you have the have that have helped guide you along your spiritual path?