Posts in Hazel's Picks
The New Future in the Time of Pandemic

As most of the world is taking a turn into the “New” zone regarding Covid-19 exposer to the outside world, we are all wondering what this new planet is going to look like? Are things going to go back to the way they used to be? The common thought is: surely not. Are we going to be able to overcome this trauma? There is a mixed bag of opinions but let’s go with a: SURELY WE WILL!

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Finding Spirituality

I love having the freedom to believe whatever I choose to believe. I have also gained a great amount of respect for each and every religion and spiritual practice that exists today. I know we are all on the same path. We just have different ways of approaching it. There is no right or wrong way, just different paths to get closer to our inner-selves. 

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What is Love Addiction?

Everyone has the potential to experience love addiction...its an obsession, intense feelings of withdrawal, intense feelings of pleasure. Some people struggle more than others, but every single person experiences these types of feelings. Hazel Grace investigates more on the topic with Zarinah and Eric to understand love addiction from a theoretical perspective.

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