7 Amazing Workouts You Can Do At Home (No Equipment Required!)

Doing workouts at home is more difficult than we’d like!

But it’s good for our body, our mind, and our skin. It eases the anxiety and delivers feel-good chemicals.

The best at-home workouts don’t require a set of equipment.

That’s good news for many exercisers who may not have kettlebells, resistance bands, or other equipment at home, especially after the closures of gyms and fitness centers due to the new coronavirus.

The only thing you need is you! And maybe a chair or two.

Let’s get started!

1. The Push-Up


This exercise may be basic, but it is a baller of a workout.

Push-ups target the chest and shoulders, including the triceps, biceps, and pectorals.

The best part?

You can do them anywhere! On the sidewalk, in the grass, in your bedroom — wherever you can find a flat surface that matches your height.

2. The Jog in Place


Image Source:  www.indiatimes.com

Another workout you can do absolutely whenever and wherever!

Throw on your favorite TV show and stand right in front of the TV.

Then, simply jog in place for 30-40 seconds.

When you become a seasoned professional, get those knees higher and your pace faster.

3. The Wall Sit


Image Source:  www.openfit.com

One of the most easy-to-do-anywhere exercises you can do at home and all you need is a wall!

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your back against the wall.

Slowly slide down the wall until your legs are bent at a right angle and make sure your knees are directly above the ankles.

Hold this chair position for 30-35 seconds to start, and gradually up the ante.

4. The Jumping Jack


Image Source:  www.virginpulse.com

This one is tried and true when it comes to the at-home, do-anywhere workout.

Turn your body into a giant X by planting your feet out wide and stretch your arms out above your head.

Then, jump your feet together and lower your arms down to your thighs.

Repeat this for one minute without stopping.

Break as you need and continue on for a total of 5 repetitions.

When 5 of these 1-minute intervals becomes easy, keep pushing for more.

5. Cycling with Legs in Air


Image Source:  www.youtube.com

Another amazing at-home workout you can do without any equipment!

You should lie on your back and shoulder blades off the ground.

With your legs in the air and knees pulled toward your chest, straighten your legs to a 45-degree angle, bring one knee to your chest, while the other extends out.

Then rotate your legs, pulling one leg up to the chest and extending the other.

To feel the burn, bring your opposite elbow to the opposite knee and shift the opposite elbow to the opposite knee.

6. The Bodyweight Squat


For this exercise, you should stand as tall as you can with your feet spread slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

Hold your arms straight out in front of your body, so that your arms parallel to the floor.

Keep your torso upright for the entire movement, with your lower back slightly arched.

Brace your abs, lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Then push yourself back to the starting position. This's one repetition.

Do 10 to 15 repetitions!

 7. The Forward Lunge


Image Source:  www.1and1life.com

Stand tall and straight with hands around your waist, take a large step forward with your right leg. After that put your weight into your front, right heel.

Then lower your upper body down, so that your torso goes directly in between your front and back heel. Keep weight in your front heel and then press backward to come back up.

Repeat as you need on one side or rotate from side to side with each new lunge!


The more repetitions you do, the more intense your workout becomes.

So rev up your intensity, level up your body, torch some calories, enhance your flexibility while at home. And you’ll be well on your way feeling fitter, healthier, and more productive!

Enjoy these 7 amazing workouts wherever you are!