5 Simple Ways to Deal with Conflict at Work


Because we're all human and different, conflict in the workplace is inevitable as those different ideas sometimes clash at work.

Conflicts can even be beneficial— since without conflict, there's usually no progress! 

We need to know how to ride out a challenging meeting or discuss opinions with our colleagues without leading to clashes.

However, within a team, resolving conflict requires courage, patience, and self-awareness.

In this article, you’ll find 5 simple strategies to defuse difficult situations and resolve conflicts at work.

1. Promote a Good Working Environment

You should keep the working atmosphere as light as you can and make work a fun place to be. 

Always be aware of the culture in the office and what motivates your team.

You should turn on the seriousness when clients or projects demand it, but a healthy working environment will go a long way to ensuring conflicts are dealt with quickly when they arise.

Don’t forget to say thank you and make sure people know that you appreciate their efforts on the team.

2. Own Your Mistakes

Did you make a mistake? 

Admit it and move on. 

People don’t like it when you’re obviously wrong and are unable to admit it. 

It looks dishonest and trust is fundamental in resolving any conflict.

If you start talking openly you’ll reduce all misunderstandings in the team. 

Remember clarity and good communication can stop some of the disagreements before they even start.

3. Forgive More Easily and More Often

Resentment surely eats away at your energy and health. 

Remember humans are not perfect and make mistakes! 

While you obviously shouldn't tolerate abuse, you'll get along better with people if you learn to forgive more easily and forget more often.

4. Listen and Understand

One of the most important ways to mediate conflict is to learn to stay calm and listen. 

By hearing out a different point of view, you may be able to revert tensions.

Listening can also help you to understand your ideas in light of a new perspective

Even if you stick to your opinion, you may be able to look at it from a different angle and better understand your thought processes.

5. Show Empathy

We don’t know what’s going on in the head of someone else, and it’s often not possible to even make a guess. 

Assumptions are always the start of conflict situations, especially if you assume someone will act in a certain way and then are disappointed when they don’t.

You should try to put yourself in the position of the other person. 

Be compassionate and always think about the effect your actions are having on the team. 


Managing conflicts in the workplace is a difficult task!

But when it’s handled quickly and directly, it becomes possible to prevent toxic disagreements that cripple an organization from taking root.