How to Find Happiness by Looking Inside of Yourself


Do you want to find Happiness? Everyone wants it. 

But let’s be honest, it’s not that easy to find... 

Some people find happiness in the simplest of things, others in their family life or their careers. 

We all have our definition of what it is and if you want to know how to find your happiness, you should look inside of you to find it.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Avoid the Negatives 

You can try it the other way around by thinking about the things that upset you the most. 

What makes you angry, sad, and disappointed? 

These will hold the clues to where you’ll find your happiness. 

If you are always feeling down about your partner, it may be time to move on and end the devastating relationship

Your happiness may be in feelings of freedom or a relationship with a new person. 

If you’re always disappointed when you think about your current job, maybe it’s time to ask for a promotion or consider switching careers

Looking at the bad things sometimes can help find the good!

2. Follow Your Passion  

Passion keeps all of us going. 

It inspires us and creates strong feelings of love. 

Therefore, if you want to find your happiness, you need to stick to your passions

You should do what you love and do what brings you joy. 

If you’re passionate about food and cooking, so take a class and practice. 

If you are passionate about drawing, maybe it’s time for you to consider it as a career? 

This will ultimately lead to your happiness.

3. Meditate 

Before you look inside of you in pursuit of happiness, you first need to find silence. 

Don’t be afraid of silence. 

When you’re on a journey to bliss, you should accept that silence can be beneficial for you. 

Pick a peaceful place where you can relax. 

Then, either stay in a comfortable sitting or standing position and begin the exercise by breathing deeply and generously. 

Try not to think about your tasks at work or home and just focus on your breathing. 

Relax and once you’ve achieved a state of calm, think about happy feelings and watch where your thoughts will go. 

The important thing to note is that, once you’re in comfortable silence, that’s when/where you can focus on where your happiness lies.

In a crowd that’s full of noise, it is almost impossible to listen to the beating of your own heart.

4. Take a Break from Social Media

As you’re relaxing, you may think that it is the perfect time to check in on social media, but you might want to try and resist, and this may be more difficult for some than for others!  

Remember, this time is about yourself and not about your friends. 

When you’re not at your happiest time, seeing others’ perfect living on social media can bring even the happiest person into a non-showering, non-hair brushing, stay in bed all-day slump. 

If you are feeling depressed... avoid, avoid, and avoid social media and watch a comedy or an intriguing drama instead!

5. Go out and Explore

If you have a waterfront, seawall, beach, or just a favorite park, bring a blanket, a well-loved book, or a magazine and just submit to the inner peace and happiness that is lurking from deep inside. 

Don’t allow negative thoughts or everyday problems to enter your mind.

Breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate the beauty of nature, trees, the sea, or an urban paradise.

Appreciate this time, and enjoy the fact that this is YOUR life, and you are in charge of allowing yourself to be happy. 

Take this time and do it for yourself. This is one of the best ways of finding happiness.


Now that you’ve tried all the steps above, it’s time to make all of this a regular part of your routine! 

If you can truly accept the simple beauty around and within you, then you’ll be well on your way to internal happiness, solely reliant upon yourself. 

Happiness is in your grasp, but sometimes out of reach, and understanding what works best for you is the first step in finding them more often.

Now when you have the answers, you just need to pay close attention!