How Staying Healthy Will Help Your Career Development


Commonly, when we think about our career or working life, our physical and mental health isn't the first thing that comes to mind. 

Mainly our thoughts towards courses, resumes, salaries, or job search sites.

The term “career” includes all the roles you can undertake throughout your life: education, training, family, leisure activities, and more.

Taking time to look after your physical and mental health is a great way to perform at your best and get the most out of your career and working life.

In this article you’ll find out why staying healthy can be great for your career.

1. How Health Affects Your Performance

There is no doubt poor health affects our employment, feeling lethargic or generally under the weather reduces our productivity.

Though organizations may have a mainly financial motive in keeping you healthy, your good health is especially important to your loved ones and most imperatively, yourself! 

No one feels good about not being able to do the things we want to.

Being healthy ensures that you’re at your best all the time, every time, which is exactly where you want to be.

2. Importance of Being Healthy at Work

Have you ever been absent from work because of severe colds, coughs, or flu? 

Was there a case when you had to go home early from work because of a headache or back pain

If you did, then you surely know how annoying and frustrating that is. 

You only imagine the amount of work that’s going to pile up on your desk because of an early out or a day of absence. 

This is how it’s going to affect your working life.

3. What Can You Do To Keep Yourself Healthy?

Being absent from work and having your tasks get piled up is not fun! 

Here are three easy healthy lifestyle plans you should do to keep yourself healthy so that you can give your 100% at work. 

Eat the Right Food
Always be mindful of what you eat! 

Nowadays when there are a lot of food options available, developing a healthy eating habit may indeed be challenging. 

You should pay attention to the food you eat for your main meals. 

Try to eat a good and filling breakfast in the morning. 

Avoid eating unhealthy and greasy food and instead, eat salads and fruits for lunch. 

Probably it might get tempting to get that junk food in the vending machine. 

But you should try to refrain from doing so, as much as possible.

You don’t need to completely forget about eating junk food however, you should exercise self-control to achieve healthy lifestyle habits.

Drink Plenty of Water
Your body is working 24/7 and for it to combat any stress that comes along its way, you must keep your body dehydrated and active. 

Dehydration causes headaches, lightheadedness, and sleepiness which could affect your productivity at work. 

Generally, it’s recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. 

Eating fresh and juicy fruits is also important to beat dehydration.

Exercise Regularly
Regular exercises are always good for your health. 

Research shows that engaging in 30 minutes of exercise a day is all you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle! 

Having an active lifestyle has many health benefits both physically and mentally. 

For people who have sedentary lives, it may be difficult to start exercising. 

However, it is not necessary that you strain yourself by doing heavy workouts. 

Some exercises can be executed at just your home and they can already help improve your overall health.


Developing healthy lifestyle habits can help improve your productivity and boost your performance at work! By keeping yourself healthy at work, you create a positive impact on your organization.

Whatever your takeaway from this article you should make health a priority in your daily activities as you’re not just helping yourself, but you’re also helping the company you’re working in.

So are you ready to make that health change? 

Now it’s your turn!