5 Things to Help You Bring Your Motivation Back

Sometimes, life may start to slow down too much. 

You might feel like you’re not moving forward towards your goals, or it feels like there is negativity is all around you. 

It’s during these times that getting motivated to set goals and reach them can be difficult. 

As hard as it may be to get started it’s important to follow through on the things you want to do. 

Here are 5 things you can do right now to bring back your motivation.

1. Do Something That You Love

When you’re unmotivated, it’s easy to get out of the habit of doing what you love. 

Sometimes just getting out of bed feels like a chore. 

Think back to a time when you felt great – what were you doing? 

What do you love to do that if you had the time, you would do all day and not realize any time had passed at all? 

Figure out a way to do whatever that is, or a modified version of it if it is something that you aren’t able to do at present. 

Spending time doing what you love will get your mind off of anything wrong and allow you to find motivation.

2. Don’t Overcomplicate It

Keep it simple. 

When you’re stuck in a rut, you’ll give yourselves every excuse to not do something. 

Say you’ve gained some weight; you might tell yourself you need to find the perfect trainer and wait until you have time to cook your meals from scratch each night before you do anything else. 

Stop trying to overcomplicate it and keep it simple by finding one thing you can do now, however small that may be. 

You don’t need to wait until the timing is perfect and the stars align for you to start moving in the direction you want to go.  

3. Be Nice to Yourself 

Take care of your health and see yourself in a positive light. 

You may make mistakes or not get the result you wanted, but these are all learning experiences that will help you grow. 

Practice positive self-talk, and talk to yourself the way you want to be, not the way you just happen to be at this moment.

4. Get Up and Get Moving

This is perhaps the last thing you want to do right now, but once you are up and moving, your blood will start flowing. 

The hardest part is getting started. 

Day one, get up and do anything to get moving. 

This is the hardest day if you haven’t in a while because getting up is the hardest part. 

Day two, do a little more. Once you start, you’ll build momentum and get back into the habit.

5. Meditate

If you’re already a meditator and got away from it, take some time to come back to it. 

If you’ve never tried, it can be as easy as setting a timer for five minutes and focusing on your breath. Listen to the inhalations and exhalations.

When we’re unmotivated, our momentum starts moving in the other direction. 

Slow down that momentum by trying one of the ideas above. 

Once you’ve slowed down the momentum, get it moving in the right direction and you’ll be well on your way.


Try out these motivation techniques to see what works for you.

At the end of the day, all motivation comes down to self-motivation, and you get better at motivation by building your self-awareness.

Learn how to push your buttons from the inside out.