Posts tagged mental health
5 Ways to Heal Your Body by Using the Power of Your Mind

Just like you can use your body to lessen your psychological distress, you can also use your mind to improve your body.

Changing the way you think and taking charge of what occupies your mind, can strengthen your physical health and well-being.

While positive thinking won't cure everything, a healthy mindset is a basic component of a healthy body.

Here are five ways to heal your body by using the power of your mind.

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5 Things to Help You Bring Your Motivation Back

Sometimes, life may start to slow down too much.

You might feel like you’re not moving forward towards your goals, or it feels like there is negativity is all around you.

It’s during these times that getting motivated to set goals and reach them can be difficult.

As hard as it may be to get started it’s important to follow through on the things you want to do.

Here are 5 things you can do right now to bring back your motivation.

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The New Future in the Time of Pandemic

As most of the world is taking a turn into the “New” zone regarding Covid-19 exposer to the outside world, we are all wondering what this new planet is going to look like? Are things going to go back to the way they used to be? The common thought is: surely not. Are we going to be able to overcome this trauma? There is a mixed bag of opinions but let’s go with a: SURELY WE WILL!

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