Must-Eat Healthy Foods. About Winterizing the Diet

The season changes and your body goes through changes in energy levels and metabolism. To prevent unwanted consequences, you should undertake some steps to avoid serious health problems on gray winter days.

When it’s frosty outside, you wish to curl up in a blanket, sit next to a fire, and enjoy the hot winter drink with your fav cookies, pizza, or other junk foods. Your body unwillingly craves warm foods and drinks; however, it's not what you really should have in cold weather. To resist the most difficult and challenging season you should add some healthy foods into your diet.


You have breakfast every day, but you don’t feel energized during the day. The secret to being energized till lunchtime is eating a healthy breakfast. What makes your morning even more beautiful can be far from being healthy. However, you need a slow-release breakfast meal, and porridge is one good option. If you want to be creative with it, take seeds and nuts and add them as your meal topping. Besides, if you want to multiply the health benefits of your porridge add some fruits such as apples and dates.


Welcome milk and some other by-products like yogurt, butter, etc. They boast a very nutritious pack of vitaminս A, and B12, important microelements such as calcium, proteins, etc. They all boost health and are of vital importance, especially for those who are more likely to catch a cold or get infected with viruses. Everything is up to you, and if you are determined enough not to fall ill, you can drink warm milk on a daily basis or twice a week. We at Avid give preference to skimmed milk over full-fat milk. To gain a less calorie intake, you can take low-fat plain yogurt and save your immune system from falling ill.

Root Vegetables

If you have a diet rich in fresh veggies, you can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, balance your blood pressure, prevent some types of cancer, improve your digestive system, etc. However, it is not always encouraging to look for fresh vegetables in the winter months. When there are few chances to find them, root vegetables seem to be more available. Sweet potatoes, beets, turnips, and carrots are strong means to withstand cold weather. You are endowed with lots of benefits such as vitamin A and vitamin C consuming root vegetables either raw or boiled.

Cheese, Eggs, and Fish

Hot drinks and again hot drinks. Who told you that you need to warm up your body with tea and coffee? You need nutritious food and there are some other must-eat healthy foods that should be included in your winter diet. Pay much attention to fish, cheese, and eggs. Packing vitamin B12, these foods improve the functioning of the immune system. A study shows that they also reduce tiredness and fatigue. According to nutritionists, these foods will provide the energy to live through the cold season. Another advantage is that they can be consumed at any time of the day.

Click here to read more about healthy living.

Cauliflower and Broccoli

The number one concern of everyone is to have a strong immune system that is capable of winning the battle against flu and various viruses. Getting engaged in fitness activities is good, and adding fruits and veggies into the diet is advantageous, but to enhance your immune system functionality, you need to increase the intake of broccoli and cauliflower in your diet. They pack a lot of vitamin C, an antioxidant that is necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body cell tissues. Both cauliflower and broccoli potentially protect us against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Besides, they help keep our arteries more flexible and improve blood pressure.

Click here and find more useful information.


Daily workouts are perfect, yet they are not enough. To be fit and healthy in gloomy winter months, one needs to add as much healthy food as it is possible. Some of the foods mentioned can be completely undesirable, but you don’t want to be sick either, right? We at Avid are sure that by winterizing your diet, you will stay far away from diseases and various types of viruses.