Exercises and Sports to Combine with Yoga

Yogis know that practicing yoga is highly beneficial to both physical and mental health. Yet solely practicing yoga can lead to some injuries like fractures, tears, joint problems, etc. One way to avoid these health issues is to push yourself and introduce new challenges to your body. On this end, yoga practitioners very often make a mix of yoga and other forms of exercises such as cardio or strength training.

Yoga + strength training

By only concentrating on yoga poses, you can develop a muscle imbalance while establishing a firm and challenging routine, you will achieve the goal of being strong and healthy. Here are some strength exercises that are fine for yogis:

  • Deadlifts

  • Dips

  • Pull-ups

  • Squats

Listen to your body, gradually add weight training to your yoga routine and wait for incredible changes in your overall health. Sometimes you may see changes to the better and you will prevent the newly rising health issues that emerge as you get older.

Yoga + cardio training

No matter how perfect your health is, and how good at different yoga types you are, the advantages will be much more if you combine yoga with other workout techniques.

Cardio workout benefits are doubled when exercised with yoga. So, you should include cardio exercises in your weekly schedule, or experiment with a new sport. Jogging and cycling marry well with yoga. Also, you can try other heart rate raising exercises and sports such as swimming, water aerobics, HIIT, martial arts, voyellball, basketball, etc.

Provide more support to your muscle groups, add some cardio and strength exercises to your yoga practice and you’ll be amazed by the results.