How to Stop Being Lost and Find Life Motivation


How do you stop yousrself from being unmotivated? 

Why can't I force myself to do the things that will make my life better? 

What can I do about it?.....  

There are often roadblocks and valleys along the way where you can get into a slump. And feel like you’ve lost your motivation somewhere along the way.

Does it really mean, you have no desires, no dreams, or nothing to fight for?

Sometimes you suffer from depression and feel lost. Or feeling like a tsunami, other times like just drifting to shore. 

When you feel like that, you need to understand that it doesn’t always have to feel like there’s no hope. You can still find hope and feel inspired when you feel like giving up!

1. Refocus on Doing What YOU Really Like to Do

When you really like doing something then the motivation comes automatically (most of the time)! It becomes easier to push through any inner resistance you feel.

So, every time you lose your motivation you should ask yourself:

Am I doing what I really like and want to do?

2. Connect the Dots

Sometimes when you’re trying to reach a goal, it becomes impossible to connect the dots where you currently are. 

You just have to trust in yourself and have faith that you can reach your dreams, despite not having the slightest clue or perfectly laid out road to where you are going. 

No one can connect the dots looking forward! You only connect them when you’re looking backward. 

You should trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future, you should trust in something, whether it’s karma or destiny since trusting yourself is the first step to feel inspired and have the motivation to move forward.

3. Make a list of Upsides

Write down all the benefits you will get from achieving something, like getting into better shape or making much more money.

Save it and then pull it out of the drawer whenever your motivation is lacking again. Or put it somewhere where you can see it every day until you reach your dream.

This is one of the powerful ways to reconnect with your motivation and reasons for taking action.

4. Go for a Bigger Goal

You should set a big goal that inspires you even if it seems a tad unrealistic at the moment.

When you start thinking a bit bigger then you get motivated and your mind starts looking for the solutions that will help you achieve that goal.

5. Remember How Far You Have Come and Compare Yourself to Your Past Self

Comparing what you have to what other people have can really kill your motivation.

Always remember there are always people ahead of you!

So you should focus on yourself and your results. And how you can improve your life and results.

This is important as it’s a great motivator to see how much you have improved and how far you have come. 

6. Talk About It

Sometimes you need to let it out and talk to someone about your motivational low points. 

By letting it all out you can get a new, more positive, and healthy perspective on things.

Often we build our own small problems into big scary monsters in our minds.

Letting the monsters out and letting others see them can make us realize that we were making too big of a deal out of it all.

It allows us to not take things too seriously, and to start moving forward and find that lost motivation again.

7. Remember to Have Fun

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the seriousness of a task and the stress of completing it.

So you should remember that you are allowed to have fun when you are working on it.

No rule says you have to be all serious about it all the time.

8. Take a Break

Surely, there are times you just need to take a break.

Maybe you have worked harder than you can manage now. So you should take a break.

A few hours or days of rest can change how you feel remarkably and recharge your batteries.

9. Reconnect with Optimism

The positive way of looking at things energizes and inspires you! 

It always makes it easier to keep going even when you hit roadblocks.

So you should ask yourself questions like:

  • What is awesome about this situation?

  • What can I learn from this situation?

  • How can I solve this and what is the next small step that I can take to start doing that?


Remember “Great things never come from comfort zones. Do it now and push yourself as no one is going to do it for you!”

Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger in the aspects of life we have no control over! 

Don’t be afraid to lose yourself. The individual coming out of the maze might just surprise you.

When you feel lost, you need to take a deep breath and realize that it can be the turning point in finding out who you are and what you want to do.

Remember, life is amazing!  So just get up & get started! Motivation is on the way!