5 Proven Ways to Overcome Shyness


Shyness often holds people back as those who are shy tend to avoid public situations and speaking up. If that's you, take comfort, you are far from alone as four out of 10 people consider themselves shy!

But here's the good news:  With time and effort and a desire to change, shyness can certainly be overcome! 

Take your first steps in getting past shyness with these 5 techniques to help you become a more confident you.

1. Identify the Triggers

Is it public speaking that get you running for cover? 

Is it asking someone out? 

By identifying the triggers for your shyness, you can plan a course of action for when you’re placed in those situations. 

You can practice what you would do if faced with your triggers and try to overcome them.

Some triggers, like public speaking, are common, but some triggers are very specific to the person. 

These triggers sometimes are tough to identify, but you can get professional help to figure out what they are for you. 

Identifying your triggers can take time, but it’s important to do so as can take the necessary steps to overcome them.

2. Try New Things

Join a club or a sports team. Pick up a new project, take on a difficult task at work, or start learning a new skill. 

Try to do something new to get out of your comfort zone.

Part of overcoming shyness is about developing confidence in several areas of your life and not letting anxiety and fear of rejection get in your way. 

By practicing new things and activities, you are confronting your fear of the unknown and learning to handle that anxiety effectively.

3. Smile

Most shy people are mislabeled as being standoffish. 

Often give strangers a friendly smile and see them reciprocate, it will probably improve both your day and theirs.


Smiling is a nice way to acknowledge another person, and start a conversation with anyone. 


You’re showing that you are friendly and willing to engage in conversation.


Humans are social creatures, so everyone is looking for some kind of interaction with other people. 


Remember you’re not disturbing them, you just make their day better by smiling and talking to someone else.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice!

You should find group activities where you can be with people sharing your interests. 

Try to practice socializing with new people, and get to know them slowly.

Shy people often worry about failing or how people will judge them. 

Start treating yourself like your own best friend and encouraging yourself instead of expecting to fail.

The more you do something impossible, the easier it will become. 

So try to put yourself in uncomfortable situations and take small steps.

5. Be kind to Yourself

Shyness can not get vanquished overnight. 

But it’s important that you’re working to make things better for yourself, regardless of your pace. 

If it is taking a long time, that is certainly okay, because at least you’re making progress. 

Not only are you constantly working toward your goal, but you are also being self-aware enough to realize how well you’re doing, which is an important trait to have.

Use it as motivation and keep going!


This isn’t going to be an easy thing to overcome, but it’s undoubtedly possible. 

Make a list of all your worries and plan how you're going to eliminate them and move forward!

Suffering from shyness shouldn't keep you from the success you are seeking, so try these simple tools and you can see the difference they make in your life.