The Power Of Stones (Edition II)

A few of our readers have written back about their first trial with Stones. Our first edition involved a set of stones that would be helpful in physical and mental healing as well as promoting inspiration. We have a note from LizBee23 that says: “ I purchased the muldavite and the celanite you suggested in your article and honestly, even though I didn’t fully feel too comfortable with the muldavite at first, I learnt to not use it or keep it on me for too long during the day, because it was very strong. And also it was good to buy both together because I felt that they equalized each other in their energy.”

So there it is folks, these stones have a real force and they seem to affect us all differently. For this edition, we shall talk about stones with a different kind of energy, ones that connect us to our psychic powers. In our first edition we introduced Labradorite which is one of those intense 3rd eye openers but here are a few others: 


Fluorite helps with removing any kind of energy that you feel is compromising your vital life force.  This is the ultra-protection stone. Fluorite is a wonderful learning aid. If you are studying for a test or just need to some extra focus to dive into scholastic endeavors, place fluorite onto your desk by your laptop or the pages you are studying. Fluorite comes in very beautiful color gradations ranging from ocean blue/greens and purple/mauve tones. It almost looks artificial because of its artistic composition. So beware of fakes! If you are going to purchase Fluorite make sure you are buying it from a reliable source. 


Iolite comes from the Greek word Ios meaning purple. This stone is simply fantastic for connecting with one’s psychic abilities. When it comes to connecting one’s dreams to one’s psychic insight, it seems that Iolite is one of the most aiding stones, Placing it under the pillow would be recommenced if you are willing to give yourself to the experience of lucid dreaming.  Iolite also create a better physical constitution allowing the body to get rid of any excessive fatty deposits. It also seems to support liver function so is strongly advised for people who would like to ameliorate their body state after alcoholic consumption. 

Iolite creates a strong constitution, ridding the body of fatty deposits. It diminishes the effect of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver. Treats malaria and fevers, and kills bacteria. Iolite aids the pituitary, sinuses and respiratory system.