The New Future in the Time of Pandemic

As most of the world is taking a turn into the “New” zone regarding Covid-19 exposer to the outside world, we are all wondering what this new planet is going to look like? Are things going to go back to the way they used to be? The common thought is: surely not. Are we going to be able to overcome this trauma? There is a mixed bag of opinions but let’s go with a: SURELY WE WILL! as this thoughts seems to be the most beneficial for humanities well-being.

Some places in the world are calling it “Phase 2”, some others are calling it “zone green” but it all means that we are slowly coming out of lock down and figuring out how to coexist in a manner that is safe for all and socially/economically functional. Obviously getting infected is still on all of our minds but, perhaps, we have all also established a manner of living, a code for ourselves, a hygienic routine that has showed effective on a personal protective level. So taking things to the next step might not be a bad idea. As long as we all keep in mind NOT to let go of those essential steps we have laid down as mandatory in order to stay safe. 

It seems that the lock down’s psychological effect on people is starting to unravel. We must then start to push protected social interaction, keeping up with our daily physical exercises, establishing new ones, if one doesn’t have an income, seeing how we could find an alternative source: users MelissaCC2 has shared on our portal that she has started a hand crafted jewelry store which includes sowing funky facial masks and she says:” I am paying my rent and even have some disposable income at the end of the day thanks to this new endeavor!”.

So go ahead ladies and gentlemen, start to open your doors while being EXTREMELY precautious. It is time you start thinking of your mental health!

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