Coping With the Present

Three Emotions: Anger, Sadness and Joy

Take comfort in the fact that the trumpet horn through which, as if by magic, achieves the full range of notes with only three buttons. Emotionally, studies have shown the human instrument of feeling consists of only three: joy, anger and sadness. And physically, these three feelings are made manifest by yet another trinity: the mind, the heart and the body.

Yet eastern studies of medicine and more recently, western medicine as well shows that like the holy trinity these three are truly only one because all of them are interconnected. In eastern medicine, the mind and the body are the same thing. In the west, the school of medicine sought to separate the two hence psychology. A host of holistic technics were barred from being included in the primary health care packages of the general public: anything from yoga, acupuncture, Reiki, mediation, kundalini. In other words, if one is feeling like one’s health is compromised in one area, and since the three are interconnected like a pyramid, then one is off-balance.

Readjusting to balance oneself with the two others is a way for a cure. Especially in these days in which a virus that is essentially another version of the common cold, can wreak deadly devastation on our fragile immune systems. One must remember as many of the myriad ways by which it could be made more robust. This includes not only a careful consideration of one’s diet, RX schedule, sleep schedule but also other things which might not occur to one as readily which are no less important including: communication; eastern medicine has contended for a long time that having clear and open lines of communication is essential to maintaining a long and healthy life. unresolved emotions, deep seeded thoughts, inaction where action is needed, has been long believed in the far east to be the cause of cancer, heart disease and virtually all known human affliction. 

I would like to talk about another trinity which goes with this as well, which is song, story and prayer. The bible says that these three gifts are what the lord bestowed on all people through which mankind is able to access the divine presence and power of the almighty God. Pray. Read stories. Tell stories. Watch stories. Write Stories. Sing, sing, sing! Make a joyful noise! 

One of the most important and easy to look passed pandemonium in this crisis is Fear management. For the functions of the mind, the body and the spirit are all prone to being paralyzed by our fear and fears. This does not mean that one should turn a blind eye to the very real dangers of the world around us. No Covid parties! And more over, anybody in any city in America leaving their house without the minimal protection of gloves etc. as well as maintaining a minimum of 6 feet distance between oneself and the other. However, do not give in to panic and remember not to overdose on Covid-Curios.

Are you feeling stressed, anxious, worried, and scared? You’re not alone. Avid Advice Psychic Masterminds are here to help bring you clarity and answers to your deepest questions. Don’t suffer any longer. Speak to an Avid Advice Psychic Mastermind today for 5 Minutes Completely FREE.

If you are a person who watches the news on TV for example, recognize a reasonable quantity of time to be spent consuming the mainstream mass media and try to stick to that timeframe if possible. Now is an ideal time to catch up on your reading. Whenever possible as well, one should be giving oneself a break from screens. When I say it is an ideal time to read, I don’t mean on the computer or on the phone so much as BOOKS and even magazines. In fact, now would be a great time to pick up a few extra magazine subscriptions. If you have a fireplace or a yard, make a little fire at least once a week and if you are not alone, wherever you are, then share your hearth with those around you. It is also a good time to have film expeditions and discoveries that are not based in the present times, explore historical works of entertainment. Since this is somewhat resembling a doomsday scenario, one should take stock of whatever one thinks are the lists of the greatest all time movies.