How to Cope with Lonelineness - A Useful Prayer

Being Alone. To know that being alone is a perfect poem. Understand that being alone, you are the perfect picture of solitude. What is the difference between solitude and loneliness? Solitude is what occurs when loneliness gathers strength from being alone. Solitude is what occurs when our hang ups and grudges are waylaid by our humility. Sometimes fait engineers our existence such that our souls can experience that path which is unique and brings us illumination. Our anger turns to dust. Our grudges grow weightless as clouds. Our perceptions of ourselves evaporate. Come oneness! Come all! The ego is breathless and I am I. (applause).

What are the ways to cope with the phenomenon at hand? Why is it that it feels somewhat familiar? Perhaps because it is human nature to recount myths and fables from one generation to the other. The countless fictional stories of which we know so many versions seem to have a flair of our present story. As a united world we have not dealt with such a large thing in many generations.

Although we are all apart geographically, we are all united through consciousness and the precariousness of life. Let us think of that first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It is a sign from mother earth, informing humanity that we must raise our vibration that we must take care of ourselves and each other on the most basic of levels, so that we maintain what is most precious, our existence on this beautiful planet.

Are you feeling lonely, anxious, or confused? You are not alone! Join Avid Advice today and connect with a gifted and verified celebrity life coach of intuitive advisor to help bring peace of mind into your life today.

Loneliness 101

Oneness is a bitch. How are we to reconcile ourselves with the fact that we are so fiercely individual and yet know that we are really one and that any appearance to the contrary is merely an illusion? Because we hold our loved ones in our heart, because we hold our heart to be our center as beings. Our love will always be pulled back into our centers. And so today’s heartache becomes the fuel of our manifestation. I think therefore I am, I am therefore I have. I have nothing. I have everything. I am nothing. I am everything. I also dream and my dreams are born in my heart. My heart is born of everything. Everything is love. I am born of love. Love is me. I am mine. Love is mine. All that I desire will come to me. All that I loathe will come to nothing. I am the radiance within.

Loneliness 102

Sometimes I feel like other people degrade me. They act superior and I agree. At times I feel the river of perception overcome me and I drown on the impressions of others. Who am I? I know who I am not: I am not the weak being that succumbs to social pressures. I am defiant. I will not rush to judgment as I will not have others rush to judgment upon me. Am I driving? It does not matter, for my journey is the same regardless.

Loneliness 103

It is part of the essential of the great oneness which is at the seed of all power and lies and the root of all creation, to be of one great whole but be a part of many small significant parts. Each part, bearing their only superficial relationship to their surroundings such as it is necessary for them to carry out its minute duty which in its own minute infinitesimal way is restorative to the harmony of the cosmos. Lastly we are little nothings without which there could be nothing and so we are everything.