Posts in Personal Ways
4 Tips to Forget about Perfectionism

How to break free from the pressure of perfectionism? Why do we prefer going deep into details and annoying ourselves over designing a happy life?

Perfectionists are never or quite rarely satisfied with what they have or what they achieved because they always aim at performing exceptionally, continuously striving for high and unachievable standards.

Here are 4 tips on how to

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A Guide on Making A Good First Impression

As the old saying goes, you never get the second chance to make the first impression. In addition, it is more difficult to change a poor opinion later than to make a positive and good first impression.

For the first impression, you have only milliseconds, that is to say, you must be accurate, with proper behavior, dress code, facial expression, gestures, etc. to let others think that you are a good person to communicate and go on interacting with you. Though the first impression is not-always-accurate opinion, it is significant as it lasts for long, win’s hearts or destroys the newly born relationship.

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How to Boost Self-confidence

Cicero said, “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” Forget about self-sabotaging feelings and be ready to prevent the suffering from low-esteem. Read the article and learn how to improve confidence and defeat the cowardness living inside of you.

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How to Create More Margin in Your Life

In the everyday hustle, thousands of people don’t find time to relax. We will be more successful in all our endeavors If we can let go of the habit of running all the time, and take little pauses to relax, we will re-center ourselves and be more successful. Life will be more full of joy and enthusiasm, and the space or time we enjoy is the margin itself. Margin is what will give you a long-lasting capacity to reach the goals and adhere to things that matter most. Let’s see some methods that will help you add more margin into your busy life.

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How to Improve Your Mind Power in 4 Revolutionary Ways

Nowadays the majority of people underestimate their mind power.

However, the potential for improving your brain function and your mind power is immense if you can find a way for it and make use of this amazing organ.

If you doubt the astounding power of your mind, then you should only look around you: we have transformed the world and even reached the moon and, the nearby planet Mars.

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How to Become a Happier Person Even When Your Life's Crashing?

You may feel irritable, overwhelmed, and just not at your best when you feel overloaded by demands in your lives. While you may not be able to control all of the factors that are causing stress in your life, there are a few things you can do for increasing your happiness even when life is stressful, so you feel less overwhelmed, and you can more easily shake off a bad day.

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5 Proven Ways to Overcome Shyness

Shyness often holds people back as those who are shy tend to avoid public situations and speaking up. If that's you, take comfort, you are far from alone as four out of 10 people consider themselves shy! But here's the good news: With time and effort and a desire to change, shyness can certainly be overcome! Take your first steps in getting past shyness with these 5 techniques to help you become a more confident you.

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